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[1.10.2] diferent metadata of the same itemstacking together when must'n[SOLVED]


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good nights

i'm retaken mi mod after long time without work on it

so wanna correct a little trouble from mi mod


this are the herbs from resident evil 

4 herbs and there are seed, plant, and plant in pot version of each one


at mixing them the item at output is only one item named "hierba" whit eleven meta versions


public String getUnlocalizedName(ItemStack stack)
int m= stack.getMetadata();
if (m == 0){return "hierbaAmarilla" ;}
if (m == 1){return "hierbaRoja" ;}
if (m == 2){return "hierbaAzul" ;}

if (m == 3){return "hierbaVerde" ;}
if (m == 4){return "hierba2Verdes" ;}
if (m == 5){return "hierba3Verdes" ;}
if (m == 6){return "hierbaVerdeyRoja" ;}
if (m == 7){return "hierba2VerdesyRoja" ;}

if (m == {return "hierba1Verde1Azul" ;}
if (m == 9){return "hierba1Verde1Roja1Azul" ;}

if (m == 10){return "hierba1Verde1Roja1Amarilla" ;}
if (m == 11){return "AidSpray" ;}
return name;





soo i already have 2 mixed green + red herb metadata 6

now i just make the mashed red herb  metadata 1

and for some reason this red herb[1] end mixed whit the  two green + red herb [6] 

so i end whit 3  green + red herb[6] and that is wrong, the red herb must not mix in this way


then i mash some blue herb[2] but end stacked whit the mashed green herb[3] so now i have 3 green herbs



may im losing some flag at declaring the class hierba.java

can someone point me what im missing please


this is hierba.java



this are the recipes







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You're telling Minecraft that


doesn't have any subtypes, so it allows different metadata values to stack with each other. Change




and different metadata values won't be allowed to stack.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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As a matter of style, I would replace that sequence of if statements with a simple switch, or even a reference to a static array.

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.

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