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[1.7.10] YAMVR Thread


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"Yet Another Minimum Version Required" thread.  But before you scoff, let me say:


I know that 1.7.10 support is dead, so I won't be trying to troubleshoot this into the ground.


I want to move on to a later version, so don't worry, we will.


I'm trying to find out if there's a simple answer to my question below, and if there's not, just say so and I'll drop it and move on.  My Google-Fu is exhausted, and I need the final say from someone with more knowledge than me.  (the prior posts on the forums here didn't quite match my request either, yes, I did search and click on quite a few)


We have a working, functional mod pack.  It works fine for the most part, and I'm pleased with it.  There's always room for improvement, and one of the things that's bothered me is that we ended using the latest version of FML for 1.7.10, and not necessarily the recommended release. 


So in my testing today, I tried the recommended build for 1.7.10 and it errors out on the standard "minimum version" requirement. 


Is there a tweak somewhere that will solve this particular problem, or is there just a bug in the "recommended" build of Forge? 


We had:


I'm trying:  (again, since it's the "recommended" build, but not much beyond that)


The error is saying I need at least version 1566, which obviously is older still than both versions above.



So super easy I hope:  Is this a lost cause?  Is there a simple fix?  I'm just trying to see if I can fix a few client-side problems from using the latest forge build vs this recommended one. 


Just to reiterate:  I have not changed any of the mods in the mods folder.  Just the modpack.jar file in question.  That's it.  Nice and easy.  Ideally. 


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