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[SOLVED][1.10.2]replacing Playerinventory Gui with custom one

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I currently stuck at replacing the player's inventory with my custom one,

I have googled much for a solution for this, but cannot find anything that would help me


I've already tried this:

public void PlayerContainerEvent(net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.PlayerContainerEvent e){
	Container container = e.getContainer();
	EntityPlayer player = e.getEntityPlayer()
	if(container == player.inventoryContainer && !player.isCreative()){	//also true when my custom gui is opened ? and yeah, i wish to keep creative inventory
		System.out.println("do some stuff like opening my own gui & container");


but somewhere if i open my Gui, the booleancontainer == player.inventoryContainer is also true,

so this hasn't worked for me. does someone know something better then this ore something to fix my problem.


my Mod: Extended RPG [W.I.P]


ah, thanks, never knew that there was an event called GuiOpenEvent


I only had looked in the event Map of minecraft forge but forgot there were also Client events

everything is working fine now :)


my Mod: Extended RPG [W.I.P]

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