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Getting entity targeted by player


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Hi guys,


I have a very simple question: How would I get the targeted player entity? This being the entity the player's crosshair is currently over. Specifically I need to know if he is targeting a EntityLiving and get some information form that entity living.


Thanks for any help!

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For now I have this which seems to work but I don't think its very efficient especially if you are surrounded by mobs.


public static EntityLiving GetTargetEntityLiving(World world, EntityPlayer player, int scanRadius)

	double targetDistance = Math.pow(scanRadius,2);

	EntityLiving target = null;
	//int tryCount = 0;
	List lst = world.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(player, AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(player.posX-scanRadius, player.posY-scanRadius, player.posZ-scanRadius, player.posX+scanRadius, player.posY+scanRadius, player.posZ+scanRadius));
	for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i ++)
		Entity ent = (Entity) lst.get(i);
		if (ent instanceof EntityLiving && ent!=null && ent.boundingBox != null)
			float distance = player.getDistanceToEntity(ent) + 0.1f;
			float angle = player.rotationYawHead;
			float pitch = player.rotationPitch;

			Vec3 look = player.getLookVec();
			Vec3 targetVec = Vec3.createVectorHelper(player.posX + look.xCoord * distance, player.getEyeHeight() + player.posY + look.yCoord * distance, player.posZ + look.zCoord * distance);

			//world.spawnParticle("smoke", targetVec.xCoord, targetVec.yCoord, targetVec.zCoord, 0, 0.5, 0);

//				System.out.println("Bounds: min: x=" + ent.boundingBox.minX + " y=" + ent.boundingBox.minY + " z=" + ent.boundingBox.minZ);
//				System.out.println("Bounds: max: x=" + ent.boundingBox.maxX + " y=" + ent.boundingBox.maxY + " z=" + ent.boundingBox.maxZ);
//				System.out.println("Target: x=" + targetVec.xCoord + " y=" + targetVec.yCoord + " z=" + targetVec.zCoord);
			if (ent.boundingBox.isVecInside(targetVec))

				if (distance < targetDistance && distance > 0)
					targetDistance = distance;
					target = (EntityLiving) ent;

	return target;


If anyone has a better idea, PLEASE let me know. Thanks!

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Thanks for the reply, but that does not seem to work.


I have this code:

      EntityLiving target = null;
	MovingObjectPosition pos = getMovingObjectPositionFromPlayer(world, player, false);//tried true there as well
	if (pos != null && pos.entityHit != null && pos.entityHit instanceof EntityLiving)
		target = (EntityLiving) pos.entityHit;


target never changes from null.

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I am trying to get the mob the player is currently aiming at (from a distance). I then want to change some properties of it (damage it, and possibly put potion effect). I can't use item interaction because I don't think that works from a distance. Also I would like to be able to do this even if the player did not right click (i.e. during update) or after player stopped using (onPlayerStoppedUsing or whatever it was called). Thanks for all the help guys  :)

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