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I'm having issues with my textures getting preloaded. Quite often I get the error message "texture.png not preloaded, will cause render glitches!" and about half the times this happens all my textures will just be white in game. Reloading the textures by pressing f3 + t fixes it but its really quite annoying and the error message gives no details as to why they aren't being preloaded properly.


I had a look through the code to see where this error was happening and it comes from the onTextureLoadPre method in ForgeHookClient.java. The error message is printed if Tessellator.renderingWorldRenderer is true. There must be some other factor causing this as no other mods are doing this. I just can't figure out what the actual error is as there is no exception or anything. Is there something wrong with my texture file? Here is a link to it: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/36807085/BlockTextures.png




That's what I am doing. My code for that is here:


public class ClientProxy extends CommonProxy{

    public void registerRenderThings(){


Do you have this in-between your @Init method and your class constructor?


@SidedProxy(clientSide = "wogCreeperSheep.common.core.WCSClientProxy", serverSide = "wogCreeperSheep.common.core.WCSCommonProxy")
public static WCSCommonProxy proxy;


I've managed to fix it. A user on the Minecraft Forum thread pointed out that I had incorrect paths in the preload texture methods  :-[


I feel pretty stupid for not noticing that. Thanks for the help here. Please disregard this thread

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