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[Solved]Override/Cancel vanilla command? 1.11.2


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I have a mod that alters the day/night cycle. To integrate it, the /time command needs to be adjusted. I've done this by creating a new CommandTimeR class that extends CommandTime and in my event handlers class, I listen for CommandEvent and if the 'time' command is used, I launch my class. Everything for me works fine, except that the vanilla CommandTime is also fired. I want to cancel the vanilla CommandTime and handle the event myself.


The commandMap in CommandHandler is private, so can't simply manually remove. Is there anyway to unregister the vanilla time command (and then register mine as a normal command instead of listening for vanilla command) or cancel the execution of it when I handle it?




Edited by aw_wolfe
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Simply registering my custom command over the vanilla one worked. Did not need to listen for and trap event.


//mod class
	public void serverLoad(FMLServerStartingEvent event){
		event.registerServerCommand(new CommandDate());
		event.registerServerCommand(new CommandTimeR());
//custom command class
public class CommandTimeR extends CommandTime{
	 public void execute(MinecraftServer server, ICommandSender sender, String[] args) throws CommandException
			//my custom code


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