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I am play with my friends and find easy dupe with thaumicenergestics. I am trying to fix it, but can find information about restrict extract items to hopper.

package thaumicenergistics.common.tiles;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import appeng.api.AEApi;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import thaumicenergistics.common.tiles.abstraction.ThETileInventory;

 * Encodes recipes whose result is essentia.
 * @author Nividica
public class TileDistillationPatternEncoder
	extends ThETileInventory
	 * NBT Keys
	private static String NBTKEY_INVENTORY = "inventory";

	 * Slot counts
	public static int SLOT_PATTERNS_COUNT = 2,
	 * Slot ID's
	public static int SLOT_SOURCE_ITEM = 0,

	 * Default constructor.
	public TileDistillationPatternEncoder()
		super( "distillation.inscriber", SLOT_TOTAL_COUNT, 64 );

	 * Does not need ticks.
	public boolean canUpdate()
		return false;

	 * Returns a list of items to drop when broken.
	 * @return
	public ArrayList<ItemStack> getDrops( final ArrayList<ItemStack> drops )
		// Add encoded
		if( this.internalInventory.getHasStack( SLOT_ENCODED_PATTERN ) )
			drops.add( this.internalInventory.getStackInSlot( SLOT_ENCODED_PATTERN ) );

		// Add blank
		if( this.internalInventory.getHasStack( SLOT_BLANK_PATTERNS ) )
			drops.add( this.internalInventory.getStackInSlot( SLOT_BLANK_PATTERNS ) );

		return drops;

	 * True if there is a pattern to encode onto.
	 * @return
	public boolean hasPatterns()
		// Is there anything in the pattern slots?
		return this.internalInventory.getHasStack( SLOT_ENCODED_PATTERN ) || this.internalInventory.getHasStack( SLOT_BLANK_PATTERNS );


	public boolean isItemValidForSlot( final int slotId, final ItemStack itemStack )
		// Can always clear a slot
		if( itemStack == null )
			return true;

		// Empty pattern slot?
		if( slotId == SLOT_BLANK_PATTERNS )
			return AEApi.instance().definitions().materials().blankPattern().isSameAs( itemStack );

		// Encoded pattern slot?
		if( slotId == SLOT_ENCODED_PATTERN )
			return AEApi.instance().definitions().items().encodedPattern().isSameAs( itemStack );

		return true;

	 * Read tile state from NBT.
	public void readFromNBT( final NBTTagCompound data )
		// Call super
		super.readFromNBT( data );

		// Has saved inventory?
		if( data.hasKey( NBTKEY_INVENTORY ) )
			this.internalInventory.readFromNBT( data, NBTKEY_INVENTORY );


	 * Write tile state to NBT.
	public void writeToNBT( final NBTTagCompound data )
		// Call super
		super.writeToNBT( data );

		// Write the inventory
		this.internalInventory.writeToNBT( data, NBTKEY_INVENTORY );



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