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Durability bar that uses an integer NBT value instead of actual durability?


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I have a NBT tag called "ConsumedAmount" on an item. Got everything about it working very well, but as a sort of 'final touch', I want to add a durability bar. However, this durability bar should use the ConsumedAmount. So if it's 0/there is no tag compound/ConsumedAmount key then it won't display, 1 then it'll be super low, all the way up to 32 which would be full.


Is there any way I can accomplish this? I've noticed that a mod like EnderIO has a 'durability bar' that uses RF instead of actual durability (I've only seen this for the Staff of Travelling so far, though). I don't exactly want the custom gradient that it uses, but just something like that.



As a completely optional question (and I hope this isn't too complex...), is it possible to change the bar's color at a certain value? Not gradually change it overtime like vanilla's, but literally change the entire color. So green to gray, gray to gold, etc. etc..

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Yes, all of that is possible!

  • Item#showDurabilityBar checks whether the bar should display (you probably just want to override it to return true).
  • Item#getDurabilityForDisplay defines how much of the bar should be full (as a double between 0 and 1) - this is where you can read your custom NBT and convert it into the proportion of the bar to fill.
  • Item#getRGBDurabilityForDisplay defines the colour of the filled part of the bar (as an int representing an RGB hex colour) - this is where you can set the colour according to your custom NBT.
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20 minutes ago, Jay Avery said:

Yes, all of that is possible!

  • Item#showDurabilityBar checks whether the bar should display (you probably just want to override it to return true).
  • Item#getDurabilityForDisplay defines how much of the bar should be full (as a double between 0 and 1) - this is where you can read your custom NBT and convert it into the proportion of the bar to fill.
  • Item#getRGBDurabilityForDisplay defines the colour of the filled part of the bar (as an int representing an RGB hex colour) - this is where you can set the colour according to your custom NBT.

Thank you so much! That basically answers 99% of my question!


The remaining question is, how should I format RGB hex colors? Just like usual, as in #FF0000?

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