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i made a new dimension and now im trying to generate ores in that dimension.

but somehow it doesnt generate any ores in the dimension.

when i start up minecraft it does print the line i setup in the generation method in the eclipse console but just for the normal dimension.


anyway here is my code.

and i did registered the dimension on id nr 7.


public class WorldGenerator implements IWorldGenerator{

private boolean alreadyRendered = false;

public void generate(Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, World world,
		IChunkProvider chunkGenerator, IChunkProvider chunkProvider) {
	int id = world.provider.dimensionId;
		case 0:
			//generateWatchtower(world, random, chunkX*16, chunkZ*16);

		case 7:
			System.out.println("generating 7 called");
			generateBeach(world, random, chunkX*16, chunkZ*16);

private void generateBeach(World world, Random random, int i, int j) {
	generatePalmTree(world, random, i*16, j*16);
	genrateAquaticOre(world, random, i*16, j*16);

private void genrateAquaticOre(World world, Random random, int i, int j) {
	int Xcoord = i + random.nextInt(16);
	int Ycoord = random.nextInt(60);
	int Zcoord = j + random.nextInt(16);

	for(int k = 0; k < 50; k++){
		(new WorldGenMinable(BaseLegendz.aquaticOre.blockID, 4)).generate(world, random, Xcoord, Ycoord, Zcoord);

private void generatePalmTree(World world, Random random, int i, int j) {
		  int Xcoord1 = i + random.nextInt(16);
		  int Zcoord1 = j + random.nextInt(16);
		  for(int var1 = 0; var1 < 80; var1++){
			  if(world.canBlockSeeTheSky(Xcoord1, var1, Zcoord1) && world.getBlockId(Xcoord1, var1, Zcoord1) == Block.sand.blockID){
				  new WorldGenPalmTree().generate(world, random, Xcoord1, var1+1, Zcoord1);
				  System.out.println("generated a palm tree!");


the palm tree's arent generating aswell so i think there is something wrong with my switch statement.

because they do generate when i just put them in the generate() methoed


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