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I'm working on updating a mod that in 1.7.10 had a number of items that had a custom 3d model in the players inventory, i have created .obj models for them however for the life of me i cant get them to render


registering the item

    public void registerItemModel() {
		AdventureBackpack.proxy.registerItemRenderer(this, 0,  name);
        ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(this, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(this.getRegistryName(), "inventory"));



Blockstate json

	"forge_marker": 1,
	"defaults": {
		"model": "adventurebackpack:ClockworkCrossbow.obj",
		"textures": {
				"all": "adventurebackpack:backpack/clockworkCrossbow"
	"variants": {
			"normal": {
			"inventory": {
				"transform": "forge:default-block"


item json

	"parent": "item/generated"



I'm obviously missing something (or lots of somethings) every tutorial i can find only refers to using models for blocks and I'm not 100% on how that translates to an item. i have tried looking at some open source mods to see if i can work out how they are doing it but that hasn't been much use either

7 hours ago, Matryoshika said:

You must call OBJLoader.INSTANCE.addDomain(modid) before you register any models.
By default, the ModelLoader will only load .json files.

sorry i should have put my preInit in there as well, I'm calling this as the first thing and still getting nothing for this item


10 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

Resource paths must be all lowercase, for a start.

This is a 1.11 change from my understanding, particularly since i have other names with capitals in them loading correctly.


It is something i will have to do, but not the cause of my issue here.

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