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Chunks won't rendered/loaded after setRenderViewEntity()


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Hey guys... I have a question... so, my problem is that when i set the viewentity to an other Entity like a cow... and then i put the cow out of the view distance of the real player, then the chunks won't be loaded. And no, i realy won't teleport the player with me! The player must can du everything he can do, but from an other view. And the most things work perfect, but not the chunk rendering. And I don't know if the chunks weren't loaded, or if the chunks weren't rendered. What is the problem, or what must i do to fix that?

In my "EntityRenderer" the important code:


public void doRender(float partialTicks) {
		tl.doPreRender(ticks);	// sets current viewEntity into a variable
		tl.setupCamera();	// the Entity will, if needed, created and will be set as the renderviewentity.
		tl.updateTime();	// the Entity(used from a variable who's be set at "setupCamera" and not from "mc.getRenderViewEntity()")
		updateFakePlayerPositions();	// updates every position/rotation data from the entity
		super.renderWorld(ticks, time);
		tl.doPostRender(ticks);	// sets viewEntity from the variable at "doPreRender"


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