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Hello I am currently trying to make a biome in which my custom trees generate, I have the log, the leave and the sapling fully set up and working, however, getting my tree to generate naturally causes big problems, even though I don't understand why as the code is pretty much straight taken from the vanilla treegen with only slight changes made, here is my code:



public class WorldGen implements IWorldGenerator{

	private final WorldGenerator gen_cherry_tree = new WorldGenTrees(false, 5, Registry.CHERRY_LOG.getDefaultState(), Registry.CHERRY_LEAVES.getDefaultState(), false);
	private final WorldGenerator gen_big_cherry_tree = new WorldGenBigCherryTree(false);

	private void runGenerator(WorldGenerator generator, World world, Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, double chancesToSpawn, int minHeight, int maxHeight, Class<?>... classe) {
		if (chancesToSpawn < 1) {
				if (random.nextDouble() < chancesToSpawn)
					chancesToSpawn = 1;
					chancesToSpawn = 0;
		ArrayList<Class<?>> classesList = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(Arrays.asList(classe));
		int heightDiff = maxHeight - minHeight + 1;
		for (int i = 0; i < chancesToSpawn; i++) {
			BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(chunkX * 16 + 1 + random.nextInt(15),
					minHeight + random.nextInt(heightDiff),
					chunkZ * 16 + 1 + random.nextInt(15));
			if (minHeight < 0)
				pos = world.getHeight(pos);
			Class<?> biome = world.provider.getBiomeForCoords(pos).getClass();
			if (classesList.contains(biome) || classe.length == 0)
				generator.generate(world, random, pos);
	public void generate(Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, World world, IChunkGenerator chunkGenerator, IChunkProvider chunkProvider) {
		switch (world.provider.getDimension()) {
	    case 0:
	    	this.runGenerator(gen_cherry_tree, world, random, chunkX, chunkZ, 1, -1, 0, BiomeCherryTreeForest.class);
	    	this.runGenerator(gen_big_cherry_tree, world, random, chunkX, chunkZ, 9, -1, 0, BiomeCherryTreeForest.class);
	    case -1:
	    case 1:





public class WorldGenBigCherryTree extends WorldGenAbstractTree {

	private Random rand;
    private World world;
    private BlockPos basePos = BlockPos.ORIGIN;
    int heightLimit;
    int height;
    double heightAttenuation = 0.618D;
    double branchSlope = 0.381D;
    double scaleWidth = 1.0D;
    double leafDensity = 1.0D;
    int trunkSize = 1;
    int heightLimitLimit = 12;
    /** Sets the distance limit for how far away the generator will populate leaves from the base leaf node. */
    int leafDistanceLimit = 4;
    List<WorldGenBigCherryTree.FoliageCoordinates> foliageCoords;

    public WorldGenBigCherryTree(boolean notify)

     * Generates a list of leaf nodes for the tree, to be populated by generateLeaves.
    void generateLeafNodeList()
        this.height = (int)((double)this.heightLimit * this.heightAttenuation);

        if (this.height >= this.heightLimit)
            this.height = this.heightLimit - 1;

        int i = (int)(1.382D + Math.pow(this.leafDensity * (double)this.heightLimit / 13.0D, 2.0D));

        if (i < 1)
            i = 1;

        int j = this.basePos.getY() + this.height;
        int k = this.heightLimit - this.leafDistanceLimit;
        this.foliageCoords = Lists.<WorldGenBigCherryTree.FoliageCoordinates>newArrayList();
        this.foliageCoords.add(new WorldGenBigCherryTree.FoliageCoordinates(this.basePos.up(k), j));

        for (; k >= 0; --k)
            float f = this.layerSize(k);

            if (f >= 0.0F)
                for (int l = 0; l < i; ++l)
                    double d0 = this.scaleWidth * (double)f * ((double)this.rand.nextFloat() + 0.328D);
                    double d1 = (double)(this.rand.nextFloat() * 2.0F) * Math.PI;
                    double d2 = d0 * Math.sin(d1) + 0.5D;
                    double d3 = d0 * Math.cos(d1) + 0.5D;
                    BlockPos blockpos = this.basePos.add(d2, (double)(k - 1), d3);
                    BlockPos blockpos1 = blockpos.up(this.leafDistanceLimit);

                    if (this.checkBlockLine(blockpos, blockpos1) == -1)
                        int i1 = this.basePos.getX() - blockpos.getX();
                        int j1 = this.basePos.getZ() - blockpos.getZ();
                        double d4 = (double)blockpos.getY() - Math.sqrt((double)(i1 * i1 + j1 * j1)) * this.branchSlope;
                        int k1 = d4 > (double)j ? j : (int)d4;
                        BlockPos blockpos2 = new BlockPos(this.basePos.getX(), k1, this.basePos.getZ());

                        if (this.checkBlockLine(blockpos2, blockpos) == -1)
                            this.foliageCoords.add(new WorldGenBigCherryTree.FoliageCoordinates(blockpos, blockpos2.getY()));

    void crosSection(BlockPos pos, float p_181631_2_, IBlockState p_181631_3_)
        int i = (int)((double)p_181631_2_ + 0.618D);

        for (int j = -i; j <= i; ++j)
            for (int k = -i; k <= i; ++k)
                if (Math.pow((double)Math.abs(j) + 0.5D, 2.0D) + Math.pow((double)Math.abs(k) + 0.5D, 2.0D) <= (double)(p_181631_2_ * p_181631_2_))
                    BlockPos blockpos = pos.add(j, 0, k);
                    IBlockState state = this.world.getBlockState(blockpos);

                    if (state.getBlock().isAir(state, world, blockpos) || state.getBlock().isLeaves(state, world, blockpos))
                        this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(this.world, blockpos, p_181631_3_);

     * Gets the rough size of a layer of the tree.
    float layerSize(int y)
        if ((float)y < (float)this.heightLimit * 0.3F)
            return -1.0F;
            float f = (float)this.heightLimit / 2.0F;
            float f1 = f - (float)y;
            float f2 = MathHelper.sqrt(f * f - f1 * f1);

            if (f1 == 0.0F)
                f2 = f;
            else if (Math.abs(f1) >= f)
                return 0.0F;

            return f2 * 0.5F;

    float leafSize(int y)
        if (y >= 0 && y < this.leafDistanceLimit)
            return y != 0 && y != this.leafDistanceLimit - 1 ? 3.0F : 2.0F;
            return -1.0F;

     * Generates the leaves surrounding an individual entry in the leafNodes list.
    void generateLeafNode(BlockPos pos)
        for (int i = 0; i < this.leafDistanceLimit; ++i)
            this.crosSection(pos.up(i), this.leafSize(i), Blocks.LEAVES.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockLeaves.CHECK_DECAY, Boolean.valueOf(false)));

    void limb(BlockPos p_175937_1_, BlockPos p_175937_2_, Block p_175937_3_)
        BlockPos blockpos = p_175937_2_.add(-p_175937_1_.getX(), -p_175937_1_.getY(), -p_175937_1_.getZ());
        int i = this.getGreatestDistance(blockpos);
        float f = (float)blockpos.getX() / (float)i;
        float f1 = (float)blockpos.getY() / (float)i;
        float f2 = (float)blockpos.getZ() / (float)i;

        for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j)
            BlockPos blockpos1 = p_175937_1_.add((double)(0.5F + (float)j * f), (double)(0.5F + (float)j * f1), (double)(0.5F + (float)j * f2));
            BlockLog.EnumAxis blocklog$enumaxis = this.getLogAxis(p_175937_1_, blockpos1);
            this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(this.world, blockpos1, p_175937_3_.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockLog.LOG_AXIS, blocklog$enumaxis));

     * Returns the absolute greatest distance in the BlockPos object.
    private int getGreatestDistance(BlockPos posIn)
        int i = MathHelper.abs(posIn.getX());
        int j = MathHelper.abs(posIn.getY());
        int k = MathHelper.abs(posIn.getZ());

        if (k > i && k > j)
            return k;
            return j > i ? j : i;

    private BlockLog.EnumAxis getLogAxis(BlockPos p_175938_1_, BlockPos p_175938_2_)
        BlockLog.EnumAxis blocklog$enumaxis = BlockLog.EnumAxis.Y;
        int i = Math.abs(p_175938_2_.getX() - p_175938_1_.getX());
        int j = Math.abs(p_175938_2_.getZ() - p_175938_1_.getZ());
        int k = Math.max(i, j);

        if (k > 0)
            if (i == k)
                blocklog$enumaxis = BlockLog.EnumAxis.X;
            else if (j == k)
                blocklog$enumaxis = BlockLog.EnumAxis.Z;

        return blocklog$enumaxis;

     * Generates the leaf portion of the tree as specified by the leafNodes list.
    void generateLeaves()
        for (WorldGenBigCherryTree.FoliageCoordinates WorldGenBigCherryTree$foliagecoordinates : this.foliageCoords)

     * Indicates whether or not a leaf node requires additional wood to be added to preserve integrity.
    boolean leafNodeNeedsBase(int p_76493_1_)
        return (double)p_76493_1_ >= (double)this.heightLimit * 0.2D;

     * Places the trunk for the big tree that is being generated. Able to generate double-sized trunks by changing a
     * field that is always 1 to 2.
    void generateTrunk()
        BlockPos blockpos = this.basePos;
        BlockPos blockpos1 = this.basePos.up(this.height);
        Block block = Registry.CHERRY_LOG;
        this.limb(blockpos, blockpos1, block);

        if (this.trunkSize == 2)
            this.limb(blockpos.east(), blockpos1.east(), block);
            this.limb(blockpos.east().south(), blockpos1.east().south(), block);
            this.limb(blockpos.south(), blockpos1.south(), block);

     * Generates additional wood blocks to fill out the bases of different leaf nodes that would otherwise degrade.
    void generateLeafNodeBases()
        for (WorldGenBigCherryTree.FoliageCoordinates WorldGenBigCherryTree$foliagecoordinates : this.foliageCoords)
            int i = WorldGenBigCherryTree$foliagecoordinates.getBranchBase();
            BlockPos blockpos = new BlockPos(this.basePos.getX(), i, this.basePos.getZ());

            if (!blockpos.equals(WorldGenBigCherryTree$foliagecoordinates) && this.leafNodeNeedsBase(i - this.basePos.getY()))
                this.limb(blockpos, WorldGenBigCherryTree$foliagecoordinates, Registry.CHERRY_LOG);

     * Checks a line of blocks in the world from the first coordinate to triplet to the second, returning the distance
     * (in blocks) before a non-air, non-leaf block is encountered and/or the end is encountered.
    int checkBlockLine(BlockPos posOne, BlockPos posTwo)
        BlockPos blockpos = posTwo.add(-posOne.getX(), -posOne.getY(), -posOne.getZ());
        int i = this.getGreatestDistance(blockpos);
        float f = (float)blockpos.getX() / (float)i;
        float f1 = (float)blockpos.getY() / (float)i;
        float f2 = (float)blockpos.getZ() / (float)i;

        if (i == 0)
            return -1;
            for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j)
                BlockPos blockpos1 = posOne.add((double)(0.5F + (float)j * f), (double)(0.5F + (float)j * f1), (double)(0.5F + (float)j * f2));

                if (!this.isReplaceable(world, blockpos1))
                    return j;

            return -1;

    public void setDecorationDefaults()
        this.leafDistanceLimit = 5;

    public boolean generate(World worldIn, Random rand, BlockPos position)
        this.world = worldIn;
        this.basePos = position;
        this.rand = new Random(rand.nextLong());

        if (this.heightLimit == 0)
            this.heightLimit = 5 + this.rand.nextInt(this.heightLimitLimit);

        if (!this.validTreeLocation())
            return false;
            return true;

     * Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the current location for the tree, spanning basePos to to the height
     * limit, is valid.
    private boolean validTreeLocation()
        BlockPos down = this.basePos.down();
        net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState state = this.world.getBlockState(down);
        boolean isSoil = state.getBlock().canSustainPlant(state, this.world, down, net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing.UP, ((BlockCherrySapling)Registry.CHERRY_SAPLING));

        if (!isSoil)
            return false;
            int i = this.checkBlockLine(this.basePos, this.basePos.up(this.heightLimit - 1));

            if (i == -1)
                return true;
            else if (i < 6)
                return false;
                this.heightLimit = i;
                return true;

    static class FoliageCoordinates extends BlockPos
            private final int branchBase;

            public FoliageCoordinates(BlockPos pos, int p_i45635_2_)
                super(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ());
                this.branchBase = p_i45635_2_;

            public int getBranchBase()
                return this.branchBase;



The issues I am facing are the following:

  • long chunk load times when in my biome
  • cascading worldgen lag warning (pretty much constantly when in my biome)
  • these really weird generation issues (see attachments)

Small side note regarding the generation issues (the ones where trees try to generate ontop of water or other trees): These really shouldn't be happening since in the generate method of WorldGenBigCherryTree (the method that is called first) the method's execution should be terminated when the position is not a valid tree position (so neither grass nor dirt below the block) which clearly isn't happening.


Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks a lot!





Edited by xyz

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