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[1.10.2] Issues when dropping mod items from blocks.


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Hey guys, I'm trying to figure out how to get items to drop. I'm new to modding, and even following tutorials my items wont drop from a test block. Funnily, vanilla items do drop. I am unsure as to whether this is an issue with my items or blocks registries, or the test block itself. I was able to get the modded item to drop by changing 

    public Item getItemDropped(IBlockState blockState, Random random, int fortune){
        return drop;

from BlockTestDrops to

    public Item getItemDropped(IBlockState blockState, Random random, int fortune){
        return ModItems.ripariusShard;

While it works, it seems inefficient to bloat the blocks package by creating new classes for each block I want to have item drops. 

Here are the relevant classes:



package tiberianeclipse.item;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import tiberianeclipse.ClientProxy;
import tiberianeclipse.item.tools.BaseSword;
import tiberianeclipse.item.tools.BaseTool;
import tiberianeclipse.util.IModelProvider;

public class ModItems extends ClientProxy{
    // Tiberium Varieties
    public static ItemBase ripariusShard;
    public static ItemBase viniferaShard;
    public static ItemBase cruentusShard;
    public static ItemBase arboreaShard;
    public static ItemBase ripariusCluster;
    public static ItemBase viniferaCluster;
    public static ItemBase cruentusCluster;
    public static ItemBase arboreaCluster;
    public static ItemBase ripVinCluster;
    public static ItemBase vinRipCluster;
    public static ItemBase vinCruCluster;
    public static ItemBase cruVinCluster;
    public static ItemBase cruArborCluster;
    public static ItemBase arborCruCluster;
    public static BaseSword ripariusBlade;
    public static BaseSword viniferaBlade;
    public static BaseSword cruentusBlade;
    public static BaseSword arboreaBlade;

    public static ItemBase refinedTiberium;
    public static void init() {
        //Tiberium shards and clusters
        ripariusShard = register(new ItemBase("ripariusShard",0));
        viniferaShard = register(new ItemBase("viniferaShard",0));
        cruentusShard = register(new ItemBase("cruentusShard",0));
        arboreaShard = register(new ItemBase("arboreaShard",0));
        ripariusCluster =register(new ItemBase("ripariusCluster",0));
        viniferaCluster = register(new ItemBase("viniferaCluster",0));
        cruentusCluster = register(new ItemBase("cruentusCluster",0));
        arboreaCluster = register(new ItemBase("arboreaCluster",0));
        ripVinCluster =register(new ItemBase("ripVinCluster",0));
        vinRipCluster = register(new ItemBase("vinRipCluster",0));
        vinCruCluster = register(new ItemBase("vinCruCluster",0));
        cruVinCluster = register(new ItemBase("cruVinCluster",0));
        cruArborCluster =register(new ItemBase("cruArborCluster",0));
        arborCruCluster = register(new ItemBase("arborCruCluster",0));
        refinedTiberium = register(new ItemBase("refinedTiberium",0));
        //Tiberium Tools
        ripariusBlade = register(new BaseSword(BaseTool.riparius, "ripariusBlade"));
        viniferaBlade = register(new BaseSword(BaseTool.vinifera, "viniferaBlade"));
        cruentusBlade = register(new BaseSword(BaseTool.cruentus, "cruentusBlade"));
        arboreaBlade = register(new BaseSword(BaseTool.arborea, "arboreaBlade"));


    private static <T extends Item> T register(T item) {

        if (item instanceof IModelProvider) {
            ((IModelProvider) item).registerItemModel(item, 0);

        return item;




package tiberianeclipse.block;

import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import tiberianeclipse.ClientProxy;
import tiberianeclipse.item.ModItems;
import tiberianeclipse.tileentities.BlockTibPod;
import tiberianeclipse.tileentities.TibBlockTileEntity;
import tiberianeclipse.util.IModelProvider;

public class ModBlocks extends ClientProxy {
    public static BlockOre rockRiparius;
    public static BlockOre rockVinifera;
    public static BlockOre rockCruentus;
    public static BlockOre rockArborea;
   // public static TiberiumGrowth greenTibBush;
    public static BlockBase refinedTiberiumBlock;
    public static TiberiumGrowth ripariusPod;
    public static BlockBase podTest;
    public static BlockBase tiberiumGround;
    public static TiberiumGrowth viniferaPod;
    public static TiberiumGrowth cruentusPod;
    public static TiberiumGrowth arboreaPod;
    public static BlockTibPod tibPodTest;
    public static BlockTestDrops testDrops;
    public static void init(){
        rockRiparius = register(new BlockOre("rockRiparius", Material.ROCK, ModItems.ripariusShard, 0,4,6,3,3,0.5f));
        rockVinifera = register(new BlockOre("rockVinifera",Material.ROCK, ModItems.viniferaShard, 0,4,6,4,4,0.35f));
        rockCruentus = register(new BlockOre("rockCruentus",Material.ROCK, ModItems.cruentusShard,0,4,6,5,5, 0.25f));
        rockArborea = register(new BlockOre("RockArborea",Material.ROCK, ModItems.arboreaShard,0,4,6,6,6,0.10f));
      //  greenTibBush = register(new TiberiumGrowth("greenTibBush",Material.ROCK, ModItems.ripariusShard, 0,1,3, 6,1,3, 0.25f, true));
        refinedTiberiumBlock = register(new BlockBase(Material.ROCK,"refinedTiberiumBlock"));
        viniferaPod= register(new TiberiumGrowth("viniferaPod",Material.ROCK,ModItems.viniferaShard,0,1,3,6,1,1,.45f,true));
        cruentusPod= register(new TiberiumGrowth("cruentusPod",Material.ROCK,ModItems.cruentusShard,0,1,3,6,1,1,.45f,true));
        arboreaPod= register(new TiberiumGrowth("arboreaPod",Material.ROCK,ModItems.arboreaShard,0,1,3,6,1,1,.45f,true));
        ripariusPod =register (new TiberiumGrowth("ripariusPod",Material.ROCK,ModItems.ripariusShard, 0,1, 3,6,1,3,0.5f,true));
        podTest= register (new BlockBase(Material.GLASS, "podTest"));
        tiberiumGround=register(new BlockGround(Material.GRASS, "groundTiberium",2,4));
        tibPodTest=register(new BlockTibPod("tibPodTest",Material.ROCK, ModItems.ripariusShard, 0,0,3,6,1,5,.5f,true));
        testDrops=register(new BlockTestDrops("TestDropper",Material.ROCK, ModItems.ripariusShard, 0,3,6));
    private static <T extends Block> T register(T block, ItemBlock itemBlock){

        if (itemBlock != null) {

            if (block instanceof IModelProvider) {
                ((IModelProvider) block).registerItemModel(itemBlock, 0);
            if (block instanceof TibBlockTileEntity) {
                GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(((TibBlockTileEntity<?>)block).getTileEntityClass(), block.getRegistryName().toString());

            return block;

        return block;
    private static <T extends Block> T register(T block){
        ItemBlock itemBlock=new ItemBlock(block);
        return register(block, itemBlock);




package tiberianeclipse.block;

import net.minecraft.block.SoundType;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import scala.tools.cmd.Meta;
import tiberianeclipse.Main;
import tiberianeclipse.item.ModItems;

import java.util.Random;

public class BlockTestDrops extends BlockGround {
    private Item drop;
    private int meta;
    private int least_quantity;
    private int most_quantity;
    protected BlockTestDrops(String name, Material material, Item drop, int meta, int least_quantity, int most_quantity) {
        super(material, name,1,1);

    protected BlockTestDrops(String name, Material material, Item drop, int least_quantity, int most_quantity){
    protected BlockTestDrops(String name, Material mat, Item drop){
        this(name, mat, drop, 1, 1);

    public Item getItemDropped(IBlockState blockState, Random random, int fortune){
        return drop;

    public int damageDropped(IBlockState blockState){
        return this.meta;

    public void dropBlockAsItemWithChance(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, float chance, int fortune)
        super.dropBlockAsItemWithChance(worldIn, pos, state, chance, fortune);

    public int quantityDropped(IBlockState blockState, int fortune, Random random){
        return this.least_quantity;
    return this.least_quantity+random.nextInt(this.most_quantity-this.least_quantity+fortune+1);


Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Blocks are created and registered before Items, so you can't pass an Item to a Block constructor. When you create your Block instance, your Item fields haven't been initialised yet; so they still contain null.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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Alright, that makes sense. I'm feeling pretty dumb here, is there something wrong with this preinit from the CommonProxy?

    public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event){
        File directory = event.getModConfigurationDirectory();
        config =new Configuration(new File(directory.getPath(),"TiberianEclipse.cfg"));


Edited by TheBrokenLaw
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Blocks should be created and registered before Items. Apart from that, I can't see any obvious problems. What makes you think something is wrong?


I highly recommend migrating to registry events, they allow you to register things at the right time without worrying about when that is. This will also make it easier to update to 1.12+, where GameRegistry.register is private.


I recommend against having a common proxy; proxies are for sided code, common code belongs in your @Mod class (or classes called from it). I recommend using an interface as the common parent of your proxy classes rather than a common proxy class.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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