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EnumFacing problem


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So, in 1.7.10 before you could do


But now you cant, is there an equivalent to this?


I also found that you cant do 


Was this removed?


Thanks for any help in advance.




P.S. I have looked in the docs but I couldn't find anything about this. Sorry if I just being stupid and didn't see it.

Edited by Ruthless_bug13
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Use EnumFacing#getOpposite to get the opposite facing.


Use the EnumFacing.values method or the EnumFacing.VALUES array to get all EnumFacing values.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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Can I do EnumFacing.getOpposite, or does it have to be a variable that is a EnumFacing?

I am trying to make something like this

EnumFacing invertedSide = ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTION[ForgeDirection.OPPOSITE[direction.ordinal]];

but for 1.10 


Actually I believe I fixed it and created something that works!


Here's the code if someone is looking for the same thing

EnumFacing invertedSide = EnumFacing.VALUES[direction.getOpposite().ordinal()];


Edited by Ruthless_bug13
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15 minutes ago, Ruthless_bug13 said:

Can I do EnumFacing.getOpposite, or does it have to be a variable that is a EnumFacing?

I am trying to make something like this

EnumFacing invertedSide = ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTION[ForgeDirection.OPPOSITE[direction.ordinal]];

but for 1.10 


Actually I believe I fixed it and created something that works!


Here's the code if someone is looking for the same thing

EnumFacing invertedSide = EnumFacing.VALUES[direction.getOpposite().ordinal()];



EnumFacing#getOpposite already returns an EnumFacing, you're getting its ordinal and then looking it up in the EnumFacing.VALUES array to get the same EnumFacing. You don't need to use the EnumFacing.VALUES array here at all.


The indexes of EnumFacing.VALUES are the ones returned by EnumFacing#getIndex, not the ones returned by Enum#ordinal. These happen to be the same, but it's more correct to use the same indexes that are used to populate the array.


Use EnumFacing.getFront to get an EnumFacing by its index rather than using the EnumFacing.VALUES array directly.

Edited by Choonster

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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7 minutes ago, Choonster said:


EnumFacing#getOpposite already returns an EnumFacing, you're getting its ordinal and then looking it up in the EnumFacing.VALUES array to get the same EnumFacing. You don't need to use the EnumFacing.VALUES array here at all.


The indexes of EnumFacing.VALUES are the ones returned by EnumFacing#getIndex, not the ones returned by Enum#ordinal. These happen to be the same, but it's more correct to use the same index that are used to populate the array.


Use EnumFacing.getFront to get an EnumFacing by its index rather than using the EnumFacing.VALUES array directly.

Thanks! this really helped.


I'm very new the 1.10 coding I'm more used to 1.7.10 ^_^



Also when you say that do you mean that 


Would do the same thing?

Edited by Ruthless_bug13
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I recommend right-clicking on "EnumFacing" in your code and then using the context menu to jump into the class so you can read it. That'll answer most of your questions.

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.

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5 hours ago, Ruthless_bug13 said:

Also when you say that do you mean that 


Would do the same thing?


That would work, but EnumFacing.getFront uses the same indexes as EnumFacing.VALUES (because it uses EnumFacing.VALUES), i.e. EnumFacing#getIndex rather than Enum#ordinal.


There's also no need to use any index here, you already have the EnumFacing returned by EnumFacing#getOpposite.

Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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