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Need help changing a color code while keeping the rest the same in the chat


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	EnumChatFormatting color;

	public void partyInvite(final ClientChatReceivedEvent e) {
		EntityPlayerSP p = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer;
		if (ChatMod.toggle) {
			if (ChatMod.mineplex) {
				String otherMsg = e.message.getFormattedText();
				if (otherMsg.startsWith("§9Party>")) {
					String noBlue = otherMsg;
					noBlue = noBlue.replace("§9", "§5");
					p.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(noBlue));

I cannot change the color §9 to §5 whilst keeping the rest of the colors the same. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Edited by TreyRuffy
Fixed something
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A better approach would be to iterate over IChatComponent#getSiblings() until the chat component you want to change the style of is found. You can get the style of a chat component with IChatComponent#getChatStyle() and then the colour with ChatStyle#getColor(). From there you can change the ChatStyle retrieved with IChatComponent#getChatStyle() however you like using the methods it provides.

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6 hours ago, Leviathan143 said:

A better approach would be to iterate over IChatComponent#getSiblings() until the chat component you want to change the style of is found. You can get the style of a chat component with IChatComponent#getChatStyle() and then the colour with ChatStyle#getColor(). From there you can change the ChatStyle retrieved with IChatComponent#getChatStyle() however you like using the methods it provides.


7 hours ago, mysticalherobine said:

If the message starts with 


Why not just use this code instead

noBlue = "§5Party>" + noBlue.substring(7);

in replacement of

noBlue = noBlue.replace("§9", "§5")

That should, in theory, replace only the beginning with the correct syntax you wanted to go for whilst keeping the other colors.

Thank you two!

One more question. How can I change chat packets that are received by the client from a server?

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