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[SOLVED] [1.11.2] Textures for Custom Furnace


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Okay so I followed a 1.11 tuorial to make a DualInput furnace. (For those interested in doing the same: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UM43rSviBR4)


My Issue is that I don't know how to texture it correctly. In code terms i tired and got the error message #You.Done.Goofed (I thought that was funny)


So I'd like to preface, for purposes of this tutorial, he did not make his own texture, he simply wanted to utilzie the Minecraft Furnace texture which creates my issue. I don't know how (since I never worked with the varients before in the .json) how the naming convention works.


Currently this is the blockstates .json he used: https://pastebin.com/PkcwKefq - all it does is mirror a vanilla furnace. So if I want to have my own furnace model/texture how do I go about doing it? Would i create my own dual_furnace.json in the Models folder and then change each 

"model": "furnace"


"model": "eangel:dual_furnace"


Yes, eangel is my modid. And if the answer to that is yes then what does the  dual_furnace.json look like? 

I know its not:

    "parent": "block/cube_all",
    "textures": {
        "all": "eangel:blocks/dual_furance"

Because that would mean all sides look the same correct? So this is where my issue lies. How do I properly make the textures and the .json files to accurate replicate the way it is currently working with the vanilla furance. I know for when the furance is lit I'd need to make a dual_furnace_lit.json most likely correct but I'd still need to know how to change the textures around correctly.


That is the tutorial I followed and I have to say it works flawlessly. Everything is 100% functional (at least so far in my Dev Environment) Granted the way he registeres blocks and renders isn't the way I do it but for sake of the video I just followed what he said and did it but the fact that createing the actual .json file utilizing varients wasn't illustrated causes this issue for me.


Hopefully that makes sense. If you need anything else or need me to clarify I will be happy to do so. I didn't post the actual code because all of that works 100% and there are no issues with functionality and this seems strictly a .json problem. However if you need the code let me know and I'll post it.





I figured this out. I brain farted and forgot I could just look at the furnace.json file in the src and mimic it and the same for the lit version. I left the post here though in case anyone else was interested.




Edited by HalestormXV
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