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[Solved] [1.12.1] Configuration save at server without GUI?!

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Posted (edited)

Hi all,


I wanted to load, modify and save a Configuration. Loading and modifying works but call me dumb, I don't understand the mechanism behind the method Configuration::save

What I have until now:


   public static Config config = null;
   public void preinit( FMLPreInitializationEvent event ) 
	  config = new Config( event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile().getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() );
   public void init( FMLInitializationEvent event )

   public void postinit( FMLPostInitializationEvent event )



public class Config
   private Configuration cfg;
   public static boolean testBool = true;
   public Config( String cfgPath )
       cfg = new Configuration( new File( cfgPath+"/test", "test.cfg" ), "v1", false );

   public void preinit()
      testBool = this.cfg.getBoolean( "testBool", "config", testBool, "TestComment" );

   public void init()

   public void postinit()
      if( cfg.hasChanged() )

   public Configuration getConfig()
      return cfg;
   public boolean setTest( boolean test )
       testBool = test;


cfg.save() does nothing.


I've read many thread about Configs, but they seem to base on older versions of Forge, where getBoolean returned a Property instead of a boolean. Nevertheless I've read something about registering a method watching configChanges, but we are not in C++, where Configuration knows about my testBool as a reference to store the data back into the file.


So what do I need to add or modify to save the testBool back into the file?


Kind regards,



EDIT: I was talking about this thread and Property.

Edited by Pixtar
Link added

It works for me, but I do a few additional things:


  1. The method where you save should be called from an onConfigurationChangedEvent handler. 
  2. I do the stuff you do in postInit in the preInit. It may not matter for some cases, but I often use configuration during other loading stages (like I use configuration to register different items and such) so I like to have it available in preinit.
  3. I put a default asset file in my resources with default values. I think the config system will create one if it doesn't exist, but seems safer to me. You would create a "config" folder in your assets and name the file with same name as your modid with .cfg extension. And in the file put something like:
# Configuration file

# general

general {


Now, the next thing is the configuration system is intended for things that get changed using the configuration GUI, not changed in your code elsewhere. Do you also have a GuiConfig class and gui factory registered? I suppose it should be okay to just call the setTestBol() method anywhere from your code, but I don't do that -- config for me can only be changed through the GUI or through direct editing of the .cfg file.


Note there is now a new @Config system I haven't tried yet which may make this all easier (or not). There are other threads about it and Choonster seems to be familiar with it.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

Posted (edited)

Hi jabelar,


1. You mean this function within Config?

    public void onConfigurationChangedEvent(ConfigChangedEvent.OnConfigChangedEvent event) 
        if (event.getModID().equalsIgnoreCase(MAIN.MODID)) 


2. I don't know to if it matters.


3. The file will be created for me with everything setup and loaded as well.


I don't know what you mean with GUI config .. I'm changing the value of Config via CommandBase.


Yeah I saw the annotation based system and currently trying it out, because I want to save the config with its changes through the game.



Edited by Pixtar

1. Yes.

2. It does matter if you ever want to check config during registration or other loading events. Right now you might not care, but probably best to do it a way that is "future proof" to avoid headache later.

3. What happens if you click on the mod Options button in the ingame or mod loading screen? Nothing? Do you want users to be able to change config that way as well?


I don't really have any other ideas of what might be going wrong for you. You can look at one of my working mods to see if anything else stands out for you on what I do differently. https://github.com/jabelar/WildAnimalsPlus-1.12.1

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

Posted (edited)

Hi jabelar,


okay it seems like we talked past each other. You're looking from the client side, but I try to handle a server - client model. ^^


The server provides the config file, its configs and the command structure. The client is executing the command to adjust the configs. At the end the configs should be stored back into the config file.


Edited by Pixtar
21 hours ago, Pixtar said:

Hi jabelar,


okay it seems like we talked past each other. You're looking from the client side, but I try to handle a server - client model. ^^


The server provides the config file, its configs and the command structure. The client is executing the command to adjust the configs. At the end the configs should be stored back into the config file.


What I said works for client and server as far as I know. The config is saved and processed on the server. It is true that you only need a GUI if you want to let the client adjust things and I guess on the server you would use a command.


It really depends on what your config is going to do. For example, many config changes require Minecraft to restart. If you have one of those on the server then you probably can just replace the .cfg file directly instead of worrying about in-game modification.


If the .cfg thing isn't working for you, it is pretty simple to just make your own text file to control the stuff you care about. Minecraft is just Java so it has ability to modify files in folders where it has permissions. I've done that for my own structure capture code in the past.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

Posted (edited)

I've looked some things up and tried some things out.




It fires when the Done button has been clicked on a GuiConfig screen

So this event needs a GUI, which I don't have at the server.


I tried the annotation based system, which leads me to the same problem. It creates the config, it loads the config, I can access the variable and modify it, but It doesn't saves the modifications back into the file.




EDIT: At the end it seems for me, that there is only an automatism for saving a config from the GUI, not through commands and internal changes. That means for me, that I need to entirely write my own config system based on JSON objects. -.- then I'm wishing me the "old" system back with properties could be saved :-/

Edited by Pixtar

I'm not sure why you're looking for an event. Isn't the change something you have code to know when it happens? Like if you're creating a server command to make a change then you would do the save at that time, wouldn't you? Like in your command code.


Anyway, yes I have often gone through trouble of making my own settings file. I don't even normally go through trouble of JSON as I usually just reserve each line for a setting and I know which line is which so I don't even have to do much parsing -- just read in each line and convert the string to a value for my field, and vice versa when I need to save. Not really too hard.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

Posted (edited)

Hi jabelar,


no, I don't need any events at all. Here an example what and how I want to do it:



/examplemod set test true

calls cfg.setTest( true ); from the Command class


/examplemod store

calls cfg.save(); from the Command class



I've went to the source of Configuration:

I'm creating a new Configuration, which calls runConfiguration() and if everything is ok, it's calling load() .. within load() we have:

if (start.matches())
	fileName = start.group(1);
	categories = new TreeMap<String, ConfigCategory>();
else if (end.matches())
	fileName = end.group(1);
	Configuration child = new Configuration();
	child.categories = categories;
	this.children.put(fileName, child);


So Configuration is storing its data into children or categories.


Then we have the normal getter methods of Configuration to get the values from children or categories.


Now we are looking at Configuration.save(), which is doing:

for (Map.Entry<String, Configuration> entry : children.entrySet())
	buffer.write("START: \"" + entry.getKey() + "\"" + NEW_LINE);
	buffer.write("END: \"" + entry.getKey() + "\"" + NEW_LINE + NEW_LINE);


So the question is: How to modify children or categories?


There is no way to do it!


I thought I'm calling getCategory to get ConfigCategory, modify it and put it back into Configuration:

Property testBool = new Property( "testBool", "true", Property.Type.BOOLEAN );
ConfigCategory configCat = cfg.getCategory("config");
configCat.put( "testBool", testBool );
//cfg.setCategory( configCat );

.. but there is no method to set the ConfigCategory back into the Configuration.

Next I was thinking of using: copyCategoryProps ... which leads me to the same problem, how to put ConfigCategory back into it?


So, finally it seems for me impossible to use Configuration to save settings back into the file from where I've read them



Totally weird,


Edited by Pixtar
Posted (edited)

Hi jabelar,

FINALLY with annotations


@Config(modid = ShowPlugins.MODID)
public class MyConfig
  @Config.Comment("This is an example boolean property.")
  public static boolean testBool = true;
  public void save( )
  	ConfigManager.sync( Examplemod.MODID, Config.Type.INSTANCE );
  public void setTestBool( boolean test )
	testBool = test;



public static MyConfig config = null;

public void preinit( FMLPreInitializationEvent event ) 
	config = new MyConfig( );



public void execute( MinecraftServer server, ICommandSender sender, String[] args ) throws CommandException
	Examplemod.config.setTestBool( true );


It creates, loads, modifies and stores the configs.


.. what a hell ride to get here ..


Edited by Pixtar

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