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[1.12.2]Entity renderer not working


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Hi, I'm working on a Wizardry mod (harry potter themed) and I am having a BIG issue with my shield charm.

Currently it does not render at all.


public class EntityShieldCharm extends EntityThrowable {
	//public AxisAlignedBB box;
	public List<Entity> caster;
	public float size;
	public EntityShieldCharm(World arg0) {
		this.caster = new ArrayList();
		this.motionX = 0;
		this.motionY = 0;
		this.motionZ = 0;
	public EntityShieldCharm(World arg0, EntityLivingBase caster, float size) {
		super(arg0, caster);
		this.caster = new ArrayList();
		//this.caster.addAll(world.getEntitiesWithinAABB(Entity.class, this.getEntityBoundingBox()));
		this.setSize(size, size);
		this.size = size;
		//this.accelerationX = 0;
		//this.accelerationY = 0;
		//this.accelerationZ = 0;
		this.motionX = 0;
		this.motionY = 0;
		this.motionZ = 0;
	public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) {
		NBTTagList list = (NBTTagList) nbt.getTag("casters");
		List<Entity> entities = world.getEntitiesWithinAABB(Entity.class, this.getEntityBoundingBox());
		for (NBTBase n : list) {
			String uuid = n.toString();
			for (Entity e : entities) {
				if (e.getPersistentID().toString() == uuid) caster.add(e);
	public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) {
		NBTTagList list = new NBTTagList();
		for (Entity e : caster) {
			list.appendTag(new NBTTagString(e.getPersistentID().toString()));
		nbt.setTag("casters", list);
		return nbt;
	public boolean allow(Entity e) {
		return caster.contains(e);// || !isHeadingTowards(e);
	public void onUpdate() {
		List<Entity> entities = world.getEntitiesWithinAABB(Entity.class, this.getEntityBoundingBox());
		for (Entity e : entities) {
			if (allow(e)) continue;
			double mx = e.motionX, my = e.motionY, mz = e.motionZ;
			e.setPositionAndUpdate(e.lastTickPosX, e.lastTickPosY, e.lastTickPosZ);
			e.setVelocity(-mx, -my, -mz);
			e.velocityChanged = true;
			Class c = e.getClass();
			try {
				Field xf = c.getField("accelerationX");
				Field yf = c.getField("accelerationY");
				Field zf = c.getField("accelerationZ");
				try {
					double x = xf.getDouble(e), y = yf.getDouble(e), z = zf.getDouble(e);
					xf.setDouble(e, -x);
					yf.setDouble(e, -y);
					zf.setDouble(e, -z);
				} catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) {
				} catch (IllegalAccessException e1) {
			} catch (NoSuchFieldException e1) {
			} catch (SecurityException e1) {
	public boolean attackEntityFrom(DamageSource c, float a) {
		return false;
	public boolean isHeadingTowards(Entity e) {
		double x = e.posX,
				y = e.posY,
				z = e.posZ;
		double nx = e.posX - e.motionX, ny = e.posY - e.motionY, nz = e.posZ - e.motionZ;
		if (MathHelper.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z) < MathHelper.sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz)) return true;
		return false;
	public boolean canBeCollidedWith() {
		return false;

	protected void onImpact(RayTraceResult arg0) {}



@Mod(modid = WizardryMod.MODID, version = WizardryMod.VERSION, name = WizardryMod.NAME)
public class WizardryMod {
	public static final String MODID = "giantwizardry", VERSION = "1.0.0-1.12.2", NAME = "Giant's Wizardry";
	public static CustomCreativeTab tab = new CustomCreativeTab(MODID, WizardryItems.wand);
	public static WizardryMod instance = new WizardryMod();
	public static IProxy proxy;
	public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) {
		CapabilityManager.INSTANCE.register(WizardryCapability.class, new WizardryCapability.Storage(), WizardryCapability.Implementation.class);
		MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new WizardryHandler());
		//EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(new ResourceLocation(WizardryMod.MODID, "entitySpellShield"), EntityShieldCharm.class, "shieldSpell", 999, this, 0, 0, false);
	public static void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) {


public class ClientProxy implements IProxy {

	public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) {
		RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityShieldCharm.class, new ShieldCharmRenderFactory());

	public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) {

	public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent event) {



public class ShieldCharmRenderFactory implements IRenderFactory {

	public Render createRenderFor(RenderManager arg0) {
		return new RenderShieldSpell(arg0);



public class RenderShieldSpell extends Render<EntityShieldCharm>{
	public ModelRectCube model = new ModelRectCube();
	public RenderShieldSpell(RenderManager rm) {

	protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(EntityShieldCharm arg0) {
		return new ResourceLocation("textures/entity/creeper/creeper_armor.png");
	public void doRender(EntityShieldCharm charmEnt, double x, double y, double z, float yaw, float partialTicks) {
		GlStateManager.translate(x, y, z);
		model.render(charmEnt, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, charmEnt.size);
		super.doRender(charmEnt, x, y, z, yaw, partialTicks);


And ModelRectCube

public class ModelRectCube extends ModelBase {
	public void render(Entity entity, float a0, float a1, float a2, float a3, float a4, float a5) {
		ModelRenderer cube = new ModelRenderer(this, 0, 0);
		cube.addBox(0, 0, 0, 16, 16, 16);

Also, when I press F3 + B I do not see it's bounding box, but it is there sience it repels everything.

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30 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Your entity registration is commented out. Why?

I was getting a devide by 0 exception before i realised trackingRange & the update stuff were the same thing.

trackingRange is now 100 but I still need to know what is wrong with the render script - all it does is changes it from a white cube to air, but i see the bounding box. The reason I did not before is because the server tells the client about the entity via it's registration id.

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    • Hi I wanted to my custom mob to hold any sword item, but didn’t rendered properly.   In entity class, make entity hold items as below: @Override public InteractionResult mobInteract(Player pPlayer, InteractionHand pHand) { //… ItemStack itemstack = pPlayer.getItemInHand(pHand); if (this.isTame()) { if ( (itemstack.is(Items.MELON_SLICE) || itemstack.is(Items.HONEY_BOTTLE)) && this.getHealth() < this.getMaxHealth() ) { //… } /* Handle holding sword */ else if (itemstack.getItem() instanceof SwordItem) { pPlayer.displayClientMessage(Component.literal("Clicked with item: " + itemstack.getDisplayName().getString()).withStyle(ChatFormatting.GOLD), true); //Return sword //pPlayer.getInventory().add(this.getItemInHand(InteractionHand.MAIN_HAND)); pPlayer.getInventory().add(this.getItemBySlot(EquipmentSlot.MAINHAND)); //The entity holds item //this.setItemInHand(InteractionHand.MAIN_HAND, itemstack); this.setItemSlot(EquipmentSlot.MAINHAND, itemstack.copy()); //Give copy of itemstack //If player is not in creative mode. From mobInteract() in wolf. if (!pPlayer.getAbilities().instabuild) { //Decrement sword count in hand pPlayer.getItemInHand(pHand).shrink(1); } return InteractionResult.SUCCESS; } else { //If player is sneaking pPlayer.displayClientMessage(getItemInHand(InteractionHand.MAIN_HAND).getDisplayName(), false); if (pPlayer.isShiftKeyDown()) { //Return sword //pPlayer.getInventory().add(this.getItemInHand(InteractionHand.MAIN_HAND)); pPlayer.getInventory().add(this.getItemBySlot(EquipmentSlot.MAINHAND)); //The entity holds nothing this.setItemInHand(InteractionHand.MAIN_HAND, ItemStack.EMPTY); return InteractionResult.SUCCESS; } else { //… } } else { return interactionresult; } }   And in render class, render the item as below: @Override public void render(RanaEntity pEntity, float pEntityYaw, float pPartialTicks, PoseStack pMatrixStack, MultiBufferSource pBuffer, int pPackedLight) { if(pEntity.isBaby()) { pMatrixStack.scale(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); } model.setupAnim(pEntity, 0, 0, 0, pEntityYaw, 0); // //Get location and rotation of arm bone ModelPart rightArm = model.rightArm(); //Get right arm //Get location and rotation of item according to arm bone pMatrixStack.pushPose(); pMatrixStack.translate(rightArm.x, rightArm.y, rightArm.z); //Move to bone location pMatrixStack.mulPose(Axis.XP.rotationDegrees(rightArm.xRot)); //Rotate X pMatrixStack.mulPose(Axis.YP.rotationDegrees(rightArm.yRot)); //Rotate Y pMatrixStack.mulPose(Axis.ZP.rotationDegrees(rightArm.zRot)); //Rotate Z //Draw item //ItemStack itemStack = pEntity.getItemInHand(InteractionHand.MAIN_HAND); ItemStack itemStack = pEntity.getItemBySlot(EquipmentSlot.MAINHAND); if (!itemStack.isEmpty()) { //Offset pMatrixStack.translate(0.0, 0.0, 0.1); // Render the item //Minecraft.getInstance().getItemRenderer().renderStatic(itemStack, ItemDisplayContext.THIRD_PERSON_RIGHT_HAND, pPackedLight, OverlayTexture.NO_OVERLAY, pMatrixStack, pBuffer, pEntity.level(), pEntity.getId()); //itemRenderer.renderStatic(itemStack, ItemDisplayContext.THIRD_PERSON_RIGHT_HAND, pPackedLight, OverlayTexture.NO_OVERLAY, pMatrixStack, pBuffer, pEntity.level(), pEntity.getId()); itemInHandRenderer.renderItem(pEntity, itemStack, ItemDisplayContext.THIRD_PERSON_RIGHT_HAND, false, pMatrixStack, pBuffer, pEntity.getId()); } pMatrixStack.popPose(); super.render(pEntity, pEntityYaw, pPartialTicks, pMatrixStack, pBuffer, pPackedLight); }   I confirmed the entity can properly hold item(logically) but the item which the entity holds is not rendered at all.   Full code: https://github.com/sakiiiiika/ranamod   Thanks.
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    • MINECRAFT JAVA wht is ic_im it shows up yellow heres the modpack https://rocktheslayer.wixsite.com/my-site-7 also It wouldnt Let me submit a bug report only a suggestion for this post
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