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No more Forge?


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Hello everyone,


I'm new to Minecraft, and this is undoubtedly a pretty embarassing question, but I've managed to make Forge stop loading.


We got new computer, I downloaded Minecraft 1.12.1, and Forge 1.12.1- - everything was fine. I downloaded a few mods and they worked well.


Then I upgraded to Minecraft 1.12.2. I wanted to download some mods designed for this version, so I downloaded the newest version of Forge .2515 (and then .2491) They installed fine and said they would appear at start up.


Being a noob, I didn't know that all I needed to do to activate this was to go to the choose launch options and pick the latest one. Eventually I worked out that I could do that and created a new one for 12.2 (it has the Forge icon, and latest version selected from the menu) But when I open with this, Forge doesn't do its thing and start loading mods, Minecraft just opens as if I didn't even have Forge (no loading mods, no hammer smashing the anvil). It does this in all of the different play options. None of them activate Forge like before. I think I did delete one option, because it didn't open Forge - I hope I didn't delete something important...


Anyway, I've tried to find an answer in other threads but haven't succeeded, so am posting here hoping someone can help me work out what I've done.


Thanks in advance for your help.


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