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Posted (edited)

Took me a while to get a working capability but now i don't see how i'm supposed to save them to disk. Here is my capability file, it's all registered and it works, just doesn't save 


public class Entity_Data
    public static final Capability<DataInterface> Data = null;

    public interface DataInterface {   
        void setLevel(int value);
        int getLevel();

    public static class EventHandler
        public void onEntityConstruct(AttachCapabilitiesEvent evt) 
            evt.addCapability(new ResourceLocation(Ref.MODID, "Data"), new ICapabilitySerializable<NBTTagCompound>()
                DataInterface inst = Data.getDefaultInstance();
                public boolean hasCapability(Capability<?> capability, EnumFacing facing) {
                    return capability == Data;

                public <T> T getCapability(Capability<T> capability, EnumFacing facing) {
                    return capability == Data ? Data.<T>cast(inst) : null;
                public NBTTagCompound serializeNBT() {             	               	
                    return (NBTTagCompound)Data.getStorage().writeNBT(Data, inst, null);

                public void deserializeNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) {
                    Data.getStorage().readNBT(Data, inst, null, nbt);



    public static class Storage implements IStorage<DataInterface>
        public NBTBase writeNBT(Capability<DataInterface> capability, DataInterface instance, EnumFacing side)
        	NBTTagCompound nbt = new NBTTagCompound();
        	nbt.setInteger("level", instance.getLevel());
            return nbt;

        public void readNBT(Capability<DataInterface> capability, DataInterface instance, EnumFacing side, NBTBase nbt)
        	NBTTagCompound tag = (NBTTagCompound) nbt;

    public static class DefaultImpl implements DataInterface
        private int level = 1;
        @Override public int getLevel() { return level; }
        @Override public void setLevel(int value) { this.level = value; }


Also i followed a tutorial on how to make player data persist through death but it doesn't work even though the chat message is sent as a confirmation the code ran


	public void onPlayerClone(PlayerEvent.Clone event){
		if (!event.getEntityPlayer().world.isRemote) {
		 event.getEntityPlayer().sendMessage(new TextComponentString("clone"));
		 EntityPlayer player = event.getEntityPlayer();
		 DataInterface data = player.getCapability(Entity_Data.Data, null);	
		 DataInterface oldData = event.getOriginal().getCapability(Entity_Data.Data, null);


Thanks for any help!

Edited by robertx555
2 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:
  • Don't subscribe to the bare AttachCapabilitiesEvent. In this case you want AttachCapabilitiesEvent<Entity> and check that the entity is a player.
  • Where is the data value read/written outside the nbt serialization? Which behavior makes you think it is not persisted?


I made a small test for it in servertickevent


if (MAIN.player.hasCapability(Entity_Data.Data, null)) {
			DataInterface data = MAIN.player.getCapability(Entity_Data.Data, null);			
			data.setLevel(data.getLevel() +1);			
			MAIN.player.sendMessage( new TextComponentString(data.getLevel()+ " "));


Basically an increment every few ticks. I keep seeing increasing numbers.. until i leave game or die. It goes like 1,2,3,4 "i die" 1, 2 ,3 you get the idea. So either i have to save the data somehow or i messed something up with the compatibility


Just now, diesieben07 said:

What on earth is MAIN.player supposed to be?

MAIN.player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().player;


I can post my whole mod on github in a sec but it contains a lot of shitty code that i'll have to revamp when i figure out how everything works

26 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:
  • That is the client player. The client does not save any data. If you want to modify the data, you must do it on the server. The fact that you are accessing this from the server thread only makes things worse, since you are now reaching across logical sides, which causes even more issues.
  • You can't just store a static reference to the player like that. The player object will change when you switch worlds, etc. Just use Minecraft::player directly if you need the client player.

How would i set the player data on the server? 


btw i uploaded to github in case it helps 


Posted (edited)

Whoa i think i solved it! Thanks!


	public  void onTickCalcStats(TickEvent.PlayerTickEvent event) { 
		if (event.phase == Phase.END ) {
		if (tick > 100 && event.player != null && event.side.isServer()) {			
			MAIN.player = event.player;
			EntityPlayer player = event.player;
			if (player.hasCapability(Entity_Data.Data, null)) {
			DataInterface data = player.getCapability(Entity_Data.Data, null);			
			data.setLevel(data.getLevel() +1);			
			player.sendMessage( new TextComponentString(data.getLevel()+ " "));
			IAttributeInstance health = player.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.MAX_HEALTH);
			tick = 0;


You said i'm supposed to get player from event.. well servertickevent has no player but TickEvent.PlayerTickEvent does! I changed it and it suddenly magically worked! It saves on death and on quitting game! That answered another question, seems i don't have to call any other saving methods


I'm gonna go and remove MAIN.player and update all the stuff.. xD

Edited by robertx555

my bad i'll first check for server side, um getstats is for calculating player stats that i made. I put the whole thing on github if you want to get eye damage


Gonna take me a while to fix stuff after removing MAIN.player


i'm making it for singleplayer only for now


I'll try rework the getstats so it saves on capabilities, now that i have a working capability i can actually start the work 


sorry i just put the main files because the file is 200mb and my net is pretty slow


i know but things are easier to balance if i only care about 1 player.. for example say i want to spawn random mobs around a player. It becomes more difficult to balance when multiple players are around. 1 player is lvl 100 the other is lvl 1, i would have to make it so both players can play somehow.. which would mean many changes


didn't learn that yet, i'll try gitignore, kept hearing about it but now i see why it's useful




I know that at least. Btw managed to gitignore build and eclipse folders so here's the new one 




Now i'm gonna see if i can use capabilities to save NBTTagCompound, i have like 20 stats so having 20 getter and setter functions seem like a disaster.  Anyway it's nearly midnight so i'll do it tomorrow 


Thanks for the help! I won't need help anymore soon, got a lot of things to work on now! 

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