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Issues getting the inventory of minecarts


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 hey guys im trying to get items from a minecart with an inventory, by default a hopper cart or chest cart but could also be any carts added by mods that extends EntityMinecart and have item capability.


however after retrieving the inventory the inventory is always returned empty, IItemHandler.getStackInSlot(slot) is always air even though the entire cart is filled with items,

this is the update function that is trying to access the carts inventory, my testing setup has been attached as an image.

	public void update() {
		if (getWorld().isRemote) {
			EntityMinecart cart = this.getCartInfront(EntityMinecart.class);
			if (cart != null) {
			IItemHandler cartInv = cart.getCapability(CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY, getPullFacing());
			if (cartInv != null) {
				System.out.println( cartInv.getSlots());
				for (int i = 0; i < cartInv.getSlots(); i++) {
				if (! this.invIsEmpty(cartInv)) {
					System.out.println("moving items");
				} else {
					//cart is empty
					if (emitWhenCartEmpty) {
						this.isEmittingRedstone = true;
			} else {
				//cart has no iventory
				if (emitWhenCartEmpty) {
					this.isEmittingRedstone = true;


this is the console output


[19:22:10] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [ghostwolf.steampunkrevolution.tileentities.TileEntityUnloader:update:33]: 1xtile.air@0
[19:22:10] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [ghostwolf.steampunkrevolution.tileentities.TileEntityUnloader:update:33]: 1xtile.air@0
[19:22:10] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [ghostwolf.steampunkrevolution.tileentities.TileEntityUnloader:update:33]: 1xtile.air@0
[19:22:10] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [ghostwolf.steampunkrevolution.tileentities.TileEntityUnloader:update:33]: 1xtile.air@0
[19:22:10] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [ghostwolf.steampunkrevolution.tileentities.TileEntityUnloader:update:33]: 1xtile.air@0
[19:22:10] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [ghostwolf.steampunkrevolution.tileentities.TileEntityUnloader:update:33]: 1xtile.air@0
[19:22:10] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [ghostwolf.steampunkrevolution.tileentities.TileEntityUnloader:update:33]: 1xtile.air@0
[19:22:10] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [ghostwolf.steampunkrevolution.tileentities.TileEntityUnloader:update:33]: 1xtile.air@0
[19:22:10] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [ghostwolf.steampunkrevolution.tileentities.TileEntityUnloader:update:33]: 1xtile.air@0
[19:22:10] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [ghostwolf.steampunkrevolution.tileentities.TileEntityUnloader:update:33]: 1xtile.air@0
[19:22:11] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [ghostwolf.steampunkrevolution.tileentities.TileEntityUnloader:update:33]: 1xtile.air@0
[19:22:11] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [ghostwolf.steampunkrevolution.tileentities.TileEntityUnloader:update:33]: 1xtile.air@0
[19:22:11] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [ghostwolf.steampunkrevolution.tileentities.TileEntityUnloader:update:33]: 1xtile.air@0
[19:22:11] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [ghostwolf.steampunkrevolution.tileentities.TileEntityUnloader:update:33]: 1xtile.air@0
[19:22:11] [main/INFO] [STDOUT]: [ghostwolf.steampunkrevolution.tileentities.TileEntityUnloader:update:33]: 1xtile.air@0


if anyone has any idea what might be causing this or where im messing up my code it would be a big help.


- thanks ghostwolf




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40 minutes ago, ghostwolf_ said:



40 minutes ago, ghostwolf_ said:

IItemHandler cartInv = cart.getCapability(CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY, getPullFacing());

Capability data is only saved on the server (meaning client doesn't know anything)

Edited by Matryoshika

Also previously known as eAndPi.

"Pi, is there a station coming up where we can board your train of thought?" -Kronnn

Published Mods: Underworld

Handy links: Vic_'s Forge events Own WIP Tutorials.

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55 minutes ago, Matryoshika said:


Capability data is only saved on the server (meaning client doesn't know anything)

 doesnt the if statement at the start of the function ensure that it is being run on the server to ensure that that isnt an issue?

if (getWorld().isRemote) {


it does return a capability and its slots, in my case a hopper with 5 slots fine, its just that the stored items dont transfer properly, or am i just messing up something obvious?

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World::isRemote returns true for Client


Capabilities still exist on the client, it's just that no data is saved = null values (tile.air is an empty stack aka null)

  • Like 1

Also previously known as eAndPi.

"Pi, is there a station coming up where we can board your train of thought?" -Kronnn

Published Mods: Underworld

Handy links: Vic_'s Forge events Own WIP Tutorials.

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Just now, Matryoshika said:

World::isRemote returns true for Client


Capabilities still exist on the client, it's just that no data is saved = null values (tile.air is an empty stack aka null)

sigh.. im a retard. i missed the ! that i use on every other update function. no wonder shit didnt work.

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well thanks its working fine now, but i ran into another issue. i cant get my block model to rotate on the x-axis,


  "forge_marker": 1,
  "defaults": {
    "model": "steampunkrevolution:unloader",
    "textures": {
		"front": "minecraft:blocks/coal_block"
  "variants": {
    "normal": [{}],
    "inventory": [{}],
    "facing": {
      "north": {"y": 270},
      "south": {"y": 90},
      "west": {"y": 180},
      "east": {},
      "up": { "x": -90},
      "down": {"x": 90}
    "enabled": {
	"true": {},
	"false": {}


this is the blockstate file, the facing is set correct (checked via the F3 menu and it moves items from the cart above it when set to up).


but the model doesnt rotate towards up


{ "source": "[120, -38, 99, 98, 17, -56, -51, -52, 75, 77, 46, 74, 76, 43, 81, 53, 118, 76, -52, 44, -78, 103, -112, 71, 22, 41, 46, -55, -49, 75, -75, 47, 75, 44, -54, 76, -52, 43, -79, 5, -13, 24, -60, -111, 21, 100, 22, -27, -25, -59, 39, -27, -28, 39, 103, -37, -93, 74, 36, -25, 39, -26, -64, 36, 24, 26, 56, 66, -127, 32, 107, -43, -86, -107, 40, 120, 106, -40, -54, -84, 9, 108, -88, 24, 36, -122, -90, 14, -90, 119, 106, 104, 104, 24, 6, -114, -1, -118, -118, -79, -88, -127, -103, 3, 98, -101, -110, -120, 7, -115, 126, 96, -72, 96, -47, 31, -118, 3, -93, -22, -121, -122, 51, 40, 124, -80, -24, -113, 65, -61, -88, -6, -127, 122, 96, 113, 51, -92, -11, 83, 26, 126, 67, 61, -3, 80, -104, 127, 40, -51, -65, 0, 46, -94, -85, -38]",
"textures": {"1398723388": "minecraft:blocks/hopper_outside",
"1695556649": "#front",
"761770141": "minecraft:blocks/nether_brick",
"particle": "minecraft:blocks/nether_brick"},
"elements": [
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{ "from": [0,5,5], "to": [0,11,6], "faces": { "west":  { "uv": [5,5,6,11], "texture": "#761770141", "cullface": "west" } } },
{ "from": [0,5,10], "to": [0,11,11], "faces": { "west":  { "uv": [10,5,11,11], "texture": "#761770141", "cullface": "west" } } },
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{ "from": [16,0,1], "to": [16,1,15], "faces": { "east":  { "uv": [1,15,15,16], "texture": "#761770141", "cullface": "east" } } },
{ "from": [16,15,1], "to": [16,16,15], "faces": { "east":  { "uv": [1,0,15,1], "texture": "#761770141", "cullface": "east" } } },
{ "from": [16,0,15], "to": [16,16,16], "faces": { "east":  { "uv": [0,0,1,16], "texture": "#761770141", "cullface": "east" } } },
{ "from": [6,6,0], "to": [6,10,1], "faces": { "east":  { "uv": [15,6,16,10], "texture": "#761770141" } } },
{ "from": [6,0,6], "to": [6,1,10], "faces": { "east":  { "uv": [6,15,10,16], "texture": "#761770141" } } },
{ "from": [6,15,6], "to": [6,16,10], "faces": { "east":  { "uv": [6,0,10,1], "texture": "#761770141" } } },
{ "from": [6,6,15], "to": [6,10,16], "faces": { "east":  { "uv": [0,6,1,10], "texture": "#761770141" } } },
{ "from": [10,6,0], "to": [10,10,1], "faces": { "west":  { "uv": [0,6,1,10], "texture": "#761770141" } } },
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{ "from": [10,15,6], "to": [10,16,10], "faces": { "west":  { "uv": [6,0,10,1], "texture": "#761770141" } } },
{ "from": [10,6,15], "to": [10,10,16], "faces": { "west":  { "uv": [15,6,16,10], "texture": "#761770141" } } },
{ "from": [6,6,0], "to": [10,6,1], "faces": { "up":  { "uv": [6,0,10,1], "texture": "#761770141" } } },
{ "from": [0,6,6], "to": [1,6,10], "faces": { "up":  { "uv": [0,6,1,10], "texture": "#761770141" } } },
{ "from": [6,6,15], "to": [10,6,16], "faces": { "up":  { "uv": [6,15,10,16], "texture": "#761770141" } } },
{ "from": [6,10,0], "to": [10,10,1], "faces": { "down":  { "uv": [6,15,10,16], "texture": "#761770141" } } },
{ "from": [0,10,6], "to": [1,10,10], "faces": { "down":  { "uv": [0,6,1,10], "texture": "#761770141" } } },
{ "from": [6,10,15], "to": [10,10,16], "faces": { "down":  { "uv": [6,0,10,1], "texture": "#761770141" } } },
{ "from": [6,0,6], "to": [10,1,6], "faces": { "south":  { "uv": [6,15,10,16], "texture": "#761770141" } } },
{ "from": [0,6,6], "to": [1,10,6], "faces": { "south":  { "uv": [0,6,1,10], "texture": "#761770141" } } },
{ "from": [6,15,6], "to": [10,16,6], "faces": { "south":  { "uv": [6,0,10,1], "texture": "#761770141" } } },
{ "from": [6,0,10], "to": [10,1,10], "faces": { "north":  { "uv": [6,15,10,16], "texture": "#761770141" } } },
{ "from": [0,6,10], "to": [1,10,10], "faces": { "north":  { "uv": [15,6,16,10], "texture": "#761770141" } } },
{ "from": [6,15,10], "to": [10,16,10], "faces": { "north":  { "uv": [6,0,10,1], "texture": "#761770141" } } }
"display": { "thirdperson": { "rotation": [ 10, -45, 170 ], "translation": [ 0, 1.5, -2.75 ], "scale": [ 0.375, 0.375, 0.375 ] } }, "parent": "block/cube_all" }


this is the model im using.


im fairly new to modding so im not too familiar with the model and block states files, but setting the facing to n,s,w,e works fine and rotates like its supposed to, but rotating up and down doesnt work.

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