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[SOLVED] [1.11] World#setBlockState() changes block, but then REVERTS back immediately

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Hey everyone,


So, I have a block that has a Tile Entity. When I right click this block with one of my items, I check if this block that was right clicked is an instanceof this Tile Entity. If it is, I run a getWorld().setBlockState() method inside of the Tile Entities code. All the code runs, except, as soon as it changes the block, it INSTANTLY REVERTS back to the old block. I feel this may be because the Tile Entity might still be there, or something? Anyways, here's my code.


(NOTE: I have shortened this code on purpose in the Tile Entity. PlaceNewModBlock actually has a bunch of other conditions in it to change the block into others. I removed these other conditions in my code to test if it was the others interfering, but they weren't.)



public class TileEntityModBlock extends TileEntity {
    public int carveAmount = 0;

    public void placeNewModBlock() {
        Block mod_block = getWorld().getBlockState(getPos()).getBlock();

        if(mod_block == ModBlocks.new_mod_block) {
            getWorld().setBlockState(getPos(), ModBlocks.new_mod_block.getDefaultState());


    public EnumActionResult onItemUse(EntityPlayer player, World worldIn, BlockPos pos, EnumHand hand, EnumFacing facing, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ) {
        if(worldIn.isRemote) {
            if (worldIn.getTileEntity(pos) != null) {
                if (worldIn.getTileEntity(pos) instanceof TileEntityModBlock) {
                    TileEntityModBlock modBlock = (TileEntityModBlock) worldIn.getTileEntity(pos);

                    if(modBlock.carveAmount >= 3){
        return super.onItemUse(player, worldIn, pos, hand, facing, hitX, hitY, hitZ);


So, when the carveAmount is greater than 3 (R-Click block 3 times) The block should change to the new one, based on whatever block you're right clicking is.

It does change, but REVERTS back immediately. Again, I think it may be something to do with the Tile Entity still being there... anways, help is appreciated!



Edited by MSpace-Dev
Solved the problem

UPDATE: I've also tried adding getWorld().removeTileEntity(getPos()); just before the code that sets the block state. Still reverts back immediately.


I should also mention that a lot of different blocks use this Tile Entity when registered through overriding createTileEntity() in each block's class.


I have found the problem. So obvious. During trying to make sound and particles work, I changed !worldIn.isRemote to worldIn.isRemote! Changed that back, and now all's working fine! Just need to figure out how I can do particles and sound for the block and the logic server side, without having to duplicate the function

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