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Correct way to obtian dimension ID


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I'm fairly new to modding & java, just starting to play with Dimension / Biome / Chink generation using minecraft 1.12 & have the following registered event listener class:


public class OneBiome {
	@SubscribeEvent(priority=EventPriority.NORMAL, receiveCanceled=false)
	public void onBiomeGenInit(net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.WorldTypeEvent.InitBiomeGens event)
            GenLayer replacement[] = new GenLayer[2];
            replacement[0] = new GenLayerConstant(40);
            replacement[1] = replacement[0];


How would I obtain the World / Dimension ID so I could change the replacement Biome dependent  on it? The sort of thing I want to do is:

if ("DIMENSION/WORLD??" = 0) {

replacement[0] = new GenLayerBIome(40) } else

{replacement[0] = new GenLayerBiome(41)}


I tried the approach: int world = Minecraft.getMinecraft().world.provider.getDimension();  but that returns a null value.


Thanks in advance for any advice.

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Well, you can probably do it a few different ways. I think having separate types helps for some things (like maybe needed for allowing user to select from new world menu). Also it really depends on how much customization you're doing in the world gen. I've personally found that reusing the vanilla dimension types can cause trouble because the dimension type is what points to the WorldProvider. So for example if you're making modifications to the world provider I think it is best to have new type.


In any case, at some point you need to register the dimension to the DimensionManager. I personally use same registration ID for that as for the DimensionType, but again that is because I tend to do new DimensionType as well. note that the DimensionType also has a name which can be used to make it easier to remember which is which. But at the point where you are calling the DimensionManager.register() method, you will know the ID.


But I should warn you -- you say you're new to Java and to modding and I have to say that doing new dimensions can be one of the most complicated things to do, especially without being strong in Java. This is because the code is very convoluted -- there are many, many classes involved and they sort of cross reference each other. I have a bit of an explanation here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/p/minecraft-forge-1721710-biome-quick-tips.html.


You may want to follow this tutorial here: https://wiki.mcjty.eu/modding/index.php?title=Dimensions-1.12



Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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Thanks Jabelar for the information, just what I needed to get me on the right course.


I did already digest your excellent  tutorial on this (as well as your living entities one) ... that's what gave me the confidence to start untangling the convolutions.


I will go with your advice re. DimensionTypes.


I didn't realise McJty  had a tutorial on this (I find their tutorials to be good as well), so I will work my way through that one.



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