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I am trying to make a config for my mod that can be expanded upon. Basically each entry will have 3 things, String of a block's registry, an int, and a boolean.


I tried using the annotation system for configs in this manner


	public final OreReg ironOreReg = new OreReg("minecraft:iron_ore", 1200, true);
	public final OreReg goldOreReg = new OreReg("minecraft:gold_ore", 1800, true);
	public final OreReg diamondOreReg = new OreReg("minecraft:diamond_ore", 2000, false);
	public static class OreReg 
		public OreReg(final String registry, final int cooldown, final boolean dropNewOre)
			this.registry = registry;
			this.cooldown = cooldown;
			this.dropNewOre = dropNewOre;
		@Config.Comment("The registry for the block")
		public String registry;
		@Config.Comment("The Cooldown for the ore")
		public int cooldown;
		@Config.Comment("Whether or not to drop the new ore")
		public boolean dropNewOre;


The config button lights up in game and when I click on it there is nothing in my mod's config menu and a blank cfg file is generated for my mod. I don't have any idea what I'm doing wrong as all I've seen is an example of using the annotation config style.


Remember I need it so players can add a new block in this if they want and idk if the setup i'm going for is even right for that.



Okay so I somewhat have it figured out (I forgot the static parts) but now my issue is that I can't get them neatly into an array.

This is how I have it set up now

public static final OreReg IRON_ORE = new OreReg("minecraft:iron_ore", 1200, true);
	public static final OreReg GOLD_ORE = new OreReg("minecraft:gold_ore", 1800, true);
	public static final OreReg DIAMOND_ORE = new OreReg("minecraft:diamond_ore", 2000, false);
	@Config.Comment("Holds all the ores compatible with this mod")
	public static final OreReg[] ORE_LIST = 


The problem with this is it creates an entry for all the OreReg objects and the ORE_LIST array but does not put them into that array. ORE_LIST remains empty on the mod config menu. I've tried changing the OreReg variables to private static final but then all that is there is the ORE_LIST array with nothing in it. What am I doing wrong?

Edited by ThatBenderGuy

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