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New sounds don't play even if they are copies of existing sounds


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Really I have no idea what is going on.


I have about 38 custom sounds.  All of them work 100%

Last night I added 4 new sounds, but they never play.


If I change the entity code to return one of the old sounds it plays fine

If I rename one of the old sounds to the new sound name is does not play.

If I rename the new sound to the old sound it plays fine.


It's killing me whats going on





Pre-init calls this

public void onSoundsLoaded(SoundLoadEvent event)
	SoundManager manager = event.manager;

	for (String soundName : sounds)
		manager.soundPoolSounds.addSound(soundName, getClass().getResource("/myresources/audio/" + soundName));



Relevant entity code

protected String getLivingSound()
	return "newsound";






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