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Posted (edited)

I am having an issue where the model of my entity is drifting away from the actual entity, in the image you can see that the bounding box is where the entity actually is while it's model is falling through the floor. The entity is a simple parrot copy that extends EntityParrot and not much else.


The model keeps the same x and z coordinates of the actual entity, but keeps descending.


I suspect that this is the result of an issue syncing between client and server but I am not sure exactly where the problem is.


My entity class


public class EntityZombieParrot extends EntityParrot
	public EntityZombieParrot(World worldIn)
	public boolean processInteract(EntityPlayer player, EnumHand hand)
		if (!this.world.isRemote && !this.isFlying() && this.isTamed() && this.isOwner(player))
		return true;
	public SoundEvent getAmbientSound()
		return SoundEvents.E_PARROT_IM_ZOMBIE;
	protected SoundEvent getDeathSound()
		return SoundEvents.ENTITY_ZOMBIE_DEATH;
	protected SoundEvent getHurtSound(DamageSource damageSourceIn)
		return SoundEvents.ENTITY_ZOMBIE_HURT;



My render class:


public class RenderZombieParrot extends RenderLiving
	public RenderZombieParrot(RenderManager rendermanagerIn, ModelBase modelbaseIn, float shadowsizeIn)
		super(rendermanagerIn, modelbaseIn, shadowsizeIn);
	protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(Entity entity)
		return new ResourceLocation("mod:textures/entity/zombie_parrot/zombie_parrot.png");



I am registering my render in my client proxy on preInit, and registering the entity on the RegistryEvent.Register<EntityEntry> event.

RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityZombieParrot.class, renderManager -> new RenderZombieParrot(renderManager, new ModelParrot(), 0.5f));

createBuilder("zombie_parrot").entity(EntityZombieParrot.class).tracker(64, 3, false).build();


Edited by laton95
public class ModEntities
	private static int entityID = 0;
	public static void registerEntities(RegistryEvent.Register<EntityEntry> event)
		LogHelper.info("Registering entities");
		EntityEntry[] entries = {
				createBuilder("spell_projectile_bouncing").entity(EntityProjectileSpellBouncing.class).tracker(64, 20, true).build(),
				createBuilder("spell_projectile_damage").entity(EntityProjectileSpellDamage.class).tracker(64, 20, true).build(),
				createBuilder("spell_projectile_explosive").entity(EntityProjectileSpellExplosive.class).tracker(64, 20, true).build(),
				createBuilder("spell_projectile_following").entity(EntityProjectileSpellFollowing.class).tracker(64, 1, true).build(),
				createBuilder("spell_projectile_teleport_basic").entity(EntityProjectileSpellTeleportBasic.class).tracker(64, 20, true).build(),
				createBuilder("zombie_parrot").entity(EntityZombieParrot.class).tracker(64, 1, true).build()
	private static <E extends Entity> EntityEntryBuilder<E> createBuilder(final String name)
		final EntityEntryBuilder<E> builder = EntityEntryBuilder.create();
		final ResourceLocation registryName = new ResourceLocation(ModReference.MOD_ID, name);
		return builder.id(registryName, entityID++).name(registryName.toString());


Posted (edited)

Well thanks anyway. I'll keep at it, I've made it it's own entity now instead of extending parrot and removed it's ability to fly to check if that was causing the issue. Oddly enough the model still falls slowly like a chicken even though it shouldn't be able to. The actual entity falls like a normal mob.

Edited by laton95
  • 7 months later...
On 6/18/2018 at 9:02 AM, laton95 said:

Getting the parrot to work properly on the player's shoulder is probably not possible, looks like the parrot is hardcoded in several places.

Well I believe Ice and Fire does it, you could check their code.

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