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Standard Forge lag on local server

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Me and a friend wanted to play some minecraft together, so I made a vanilla minecraft server on a seperate laptop.

This worked out fine. We had no lag at all and everything worked perfectly.

Then we wanted some mods, so I made a Forge Server on the same laptop, but even without mods, the server is lagging.

For example when I hit an animal, it just goes in the air, hangs in the air for a second and teleports back down and runs around very laggy and fast.

Animals just don't move around smoothly although this wasn't a problem on the vanilla server.

I am pretty sure that the specs of my laptop aren't the problem, because the lag doesn't really increase when I add mods. It just looks like standard forge lag.

Forge works fine on singleplayer btw.


Does anyone have any idea what might causes this standard forge lag on my server?

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I tried running older and newer version of forge and they gave me the same results.

I also tried running the server on a different pc and again I got the same lag.

I have tried running the server with different .bat files, but that didn't help.

My internet is pretty fast: 10 ping, download 200Mbps, upload 20.5Mbps, so that hasn't anything to do with it either.


I'm out of options here, does anyone have any suggestion?

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The laptop that I use to run the forge server has 16GB ram and I gave 4GB to the server.


I used the following command: 



java -Xms2048M -Xmx4096M -jar forge-1.10.2-


I have also tried adding: -server -d64 to it but that didn't really help.

I'm not using any mods on the server right now, because I already have lag without any mods for some reason.


Thx for the reply

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I think that the cpu of my laptop wasn't good enough (4 cores and 2.7Ghz). Im using a differenct desktop pc now with a dual core processor with 3.7Ghz and the lag has decreased. I guess that modded minecraft just needs a pretty beest cpu to run the server.


Thx for the help though.

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