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I am making a mod and i have a lot of errors in the main class file

This is the code for the main class


@NetworkMod(clientSideRequired=true, serverSideRequired= true,
clientPacketHandlerSpec = @SidedPacketHandler(channels = {"ParallelWorlds"} , packetHandler = ParallelWorldsClientPacketHandler.class),
serverPacketHandlerSpec = @SidedPacketHandler(channels = {"ParallelWorlds"} , packetHandler = ParallelWorldsServerPacketHandler.class))

@Mod(modid="Parallel Worlds", name = "ParallelWorlds",version = "1.0.0")

public class ParallelWorlds {

public static ParallelWorlds Instance = new ParallelWorlds();

	@SidedProxy(clientSide = "assassinhero.parallelworlds.client.ParallelWorldsClientProxy", serverSide = "assassinhero.parallelworlds.common.ParallelWorldsCommonProxy")
	public static ParallelWorldsCommonProxy proxy;

	public static Block NightStone;

	public void PreInit(FMLInitializationEvent event){
		NightStone = new BlockNightStoneBlock(3658).setUnlocalizedName("Night Stone");


	public void InitParallelWorlds(FMLInitializationEvent event){
		NetworkRegistry.instance().registerGuiHandler(this, proxy);





The parts that have errors are:



packetHandler = ParallelWorldsClientPacketHandler.class),

[codePacketHandlerSpec = @SidedPacketHandler(channels][/code]   
packetHandler = ParallelWorldsServerPacketHandler.class))

d(modid="Parallel Worlds", name =


I understand that some of the errors are there because a class file doesn't exist


Here is the code for the other class files i have at the moment


public class ParallelWorldsCommonProxy implements IGuiHandler{

public void registerRenderInformation(){


public Object getServerGuiElement(int ID, EntityPlayer player, World world, int x, int y, int z){
	return null;

public Object getClientGuiElement(int ID, EntityPlayer player, World world, int x, int y, int z){
	return null;

public void registerTiles(){


public void registerBlocks(){

GameRegistry.registerBlock(ParallelWorlds.NightStone, "Night Stone");
LanguageRegistry.addName(ParallelWorlds.NightStone, "Night Stone");


public void registerItems(){





public class BlockNightStoneBlock extends Block{
public BlockNightStoneBlock(int ID){


public void func_94332_a(IconRegister par1IconRegister){
	this.field_94336_cN = par1IconRegister.func_94245_a("ParallelWorlds:NightStone");



Please help


Any fixes are appreciated!


Thanks in advance! :D



EDIT: @SidedPacketHandler is fixed....

The rest is still error though



error logs?

what's your IDE saying?


I think I am going to explode if I see another post from you in the next 5 minutes -_-


I have fixed them now :)


Thanks for actually trying to help




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