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[Solved] [1.13.2] Logo image not showing in mods


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In the mods.toml there is a logoFile key that looks like this:


And there is a comment that says "A file name (in the root of the mod JAR) containing a logo for display".


In my mod, I put a logo.png file under the resources folder and wrote its name in my mods.toml file (logoFile="logo.png"). I also checked the built jar file and I see logo.png in the root like it says. But the image is not there when I enter the mods tab in game. Everything else seems to work though, name, description, etc.


Does anyone know what could be the problem?

Edited by xerca
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works in my mod. Without the actual folder structure and place of the image file (screen-shot or better gitHub source) and the actual mods.toml file (copy here or gitHub source). Helping you will be quiet difficult ...

running minecraft on Mac OS X - Sierra --- creating code since 1986 ... --- मेरा दिल भारतवासी है!

width=289 height=100http://www.arno-saxena.de/pictures/chococraft/banner_signature.png[/img]

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I tried to explain by text but here is the folder structure:


Here is how the mods.toml looks:

modLoader="javafml" #mandatory

# A version range to match for said mod loader - for regular FML @Mod it will be the forge version
loaderVersion="[25,)" #mandatory (24 is current forge version)

# A list of mods - how many allowed here is determined by the individual mod loader
[[mods]] #mandatory

# The modid of the mod
modId="xercamod" #mandatory

# The version number of the mod - there's a few well known ${} variables useable here or just hardcode it
version="1.13.2-2" #mandatory

 # A display name for the mod
displayName="Xerca Mod" #mandatory

# A URL to query for updates for this mod. See the JSON update specification <here>
#updateJSONURL="http://myurl.me/" #optional

# A URL for the "homepage" for this mod, displayed in the mod UI
#displayURL="http://example.com/" #optional

# A file name (in the root of the mod JAR) containing a logo for display
logoFile="logo.png" #optional

Something something


And here is how the root of my mod jar looks:


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only difference I see is the logo entry in mods.toml is before the [[mods]] tag:


but that should not be an issue (it is above this tag for the forge mods.toml itself as well). You should give it a try...


other than that, maybe the logo is to large? But I don't recall there is a limit for the logo, maybe the forge guys can elaborate on that ...


Do the other entries from the mods.toml file show up correctly? (name and version?)


last but not least, have a look onto my gitHub and use it as an example, as mentioned, my logo does show up in the mods list :)


Edited by Torojima

running minecraft on Mac OS X - Sierra --- creating code since 1986 ... --- मेरा दिल भारतवासी है!

width=289 height=100http://www.arno-saxena.de/pictures/chococraft/banner_signature.png[/img]

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btw, now that you've mentioned this, I think I had put the logoFile entry at first also beneath the [[mod]] entry and was puzzled why id didn't work. Only then I checked with the forge mods.toml (I am trying to remember why I have checked with the forge mods.toml in the first place) ... This actually could be a bug in the example mod ...

Edited by Torojima

running minecraft on Mac OS X - Sierra --- creating code since 1986 ... --- मेरा दिल भारतवासी है!

width=289 height=100http://www.arno-saxena.de/pictures/chococraft/banner_signature.png[/img]

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