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[SOLVED] When casting ICommandSender to EntityPlayer, it does not effect player.

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Posted (edited)

I made a flying command which is still in beta, I was able to make it work so you could fly whilst holding an item, CODE:

	public void onUpdate(ItemStack itemstack, World world, Entity entity, int i, boolean flag)
	     if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer)
	     {          EntityPlayer Player = (EntityPlayer) entity;
	          if(Player.getHeldItemMainhand() != null && Player.getHeldItemMainhand().getItem() instanceof IHasModel)
	        	  PlayerFlight.setFlight(Player, true, world);
	        	  PlayerFlight.setFlight(Player, false, world);

This works, but this doesn't, I'm suspecting that you can't cast ICommandSender to EntityPlayer, because this code will not work, the player will do nothing.

boolean val = false;
	  public void execute(MinecraftServer server, ICommandSender sender, String[] params) throws CommandException {
		World w = sender.getEntityWorld();
		EntityPlayer p = (EntityPlayer) sender;

		val = !val;
			PlayerFlight.setFlight(p, true, sender.getEntityWorld());

	  public String getName() {
	    return "fly";

	  public String getUsage(ICommandSender sender) {
	    return "command.fly.usage";

And my Flying class. #Note that I know how to use hashmaps and when I get this working ill add multiplayer support.

static boolean val = false;
	public static void toggleFlight(EntityPlayer playerIn, boolean flight, World worldIn)
		if (worldIn.isRemote)
			flight = !val;
			val = !val;
			//Check Activation by player
        	String var1 = playerIn.getName();
        	//playerIn.sendChatToPlayer("Activated by: " + var1 + "");

        //Make the player fly
        	playerIn.capabilities.allowFlying = flight;
        	playerIn.capabilities.isFlying = flight;
        	playerIn.capabilities.isFlying = flight;

        	playerIn.fallDistance = 0; 
        		playerIn.motionY += 1.0;
        	} else
        		playerIn.motionY += -1.0;
        	//	playerIn.capabilities.isCreativeMode = false;

	public static void setFlight(EntityPlayer playerIn, boolean flight, World worldIn)
		if (worldIn.isRemote)
			//Check Activation by player
        	String var1 = playerIn.getName();
        	//playerIn.sendChatToPlayer("Activated by: " + var1 + "");

        //Make the player fly
        	playerIn.capabilities.allowFlying = flight;
        	playerIn.capabilities.isFlying = flight;
        	playerIn.capabilities.isFlying = flight;

        	playerIn.fallDistance = 0; 
        	//	playerIn.capabilities.isCreativeMode = false;



Edited by Jaycen1000
Posted (edited)

If you couldn't cast something to something else then you would crash with a ClassCastException.


I think you need to send a packet to the client notifying them that they can fly now.

Actually, scratch that, your code will never work

			PlayerFlight.setFlight(p, true, sender.getEntityWorld());

Commands are executed on the server so this condition will always be false thus your flying code will never execute.


11 minutes ago, Jaycen1000 said:

instanceof IHasModel

IHasModel is stupid. All items need models, no exceptions, and IHasModel makes you write redundand code a lot(as in you need 3 lines PER ITEM as a bare minimum instead of ONE line and that's it). Register your models directly in the ModelRegistryEvent.

Edited by V0idWa1k3r
  • Like 1

Ok, using your feedback, I changed my flight class to this

public static void setCommandFlight(EntityPlayer playerIn, boolean flight)
		String var1 = playerIn.getName();
        //Make the player fly
        playerIn.capabilities.allowFlying = flight;
        playerIn.capabilities.isFlying = flight;
        playerIn.capabilities.isFlying = flight;
        playerIn.fallDistance = 0; 


And my execute method to this

		World w = sender.getEntityWorld();
		EntityPlayer p = (EntityPlayer) sender;
		PlayerFlight.setCommandFlight(p, true);

What this does is allow you to fly for a tick (I can see my FOV getting bigger), but then after the tick, it goes off.


After a bit of testing, I got this to work.


static boolean val = false;
	public static void toggleFlight(EntityPlayer playerIn, boolean flight, World worldIn)
		if (worldIn.isRemote)
			flight = !val;
			val = !val;
			//Check Activation by player
        	//playerIn.sendChatToPlayer("Activated by: " + var1 + "");

        	if (worldIn.isRemote)
            	//Check Activation by player

            	//playerIn.sendChatToPlayer("Activated by: " + var1 + "");

            //Make the player fly
                playerIn.capabilities.allowFlying = flight;
                playerIn.capabilities.isFlying = flight;
            	playerIn.motionY += 0;
            	playerIn.capabilities.isFlying = flight;
                playerIn.fallDistance = 0; 

        	//	playerIn.capabilities.isCreativeMode = false;

	public static void setFlight(EntityPlayer playerIn, boolean flight, World worldIn)
		if (worldIn.isRemote)
        	//Check Activation by player
        	String var1 = playerIn.getName();
        	//playerIn.sendChatToPlayer("Activated by: " + var1 + "");

        //Make the player fly
            playerIn.capabilities.allowFlying = flight;
            playerIn.capabilities.isFlying = flight;
        	playerIn.motionY += 0;
        	playerIn.capabilities.isFlying = flight;
            playerIn.fallDistance = 0; 

	public static void setCommandFlight(EntityPlayer playerIn, boolean flight)
		String var1 = playerIn.getName();
        //Make the player fly
        playerIn.capabilities.allowFlying = flight;
        playerIn.capabilities.isFlying = flight;
    	playerIn.motionY += 1.0;
    	playerIn.capabilities.isFlying = flight;
        playerIn.fallDistance = 0; 


And FlyCommand.java

HashMap<EntityPlayer, Boolean> flying = new HashMap<EntityPlayer, Boolean>();
	boolean val = false;
	  public void execute(MinecraftServer server, ICommandSender sender, String[] params) throws CommandException {
		World w = sender.getEntityWorld();
		EntityPlayer p = (EntityPlayer) sender;
			flying.replace(p, !flying.get(p));
		} catch(Exception e)
			flying.put(p, true);
		val = !val;
		PlayerFlight.setCommandFlight(p, flying.get(p));

	  public String getName() {
	    return "fly";

	  public String getUsage(ICommandSender sender) {
	    return "command.fly.usage";

That should work with multiplayer, also thank you V0idWa1k3r for telling me about World#isRemote.

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