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package com.ChaoticSoul.MoreArmor.entity;

import java.util.Set;

import com.ChaoticSoul.MoreArmor.init.ModItems;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;

import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
import net.minecraft.entity.IRangedAttackMob;
import net.minecraft.entity.SharedMonsterAttributes;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIAttackRanged;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIFollow;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAILookIdle;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAINearestAttackableTarget;
import net.minecraft.entity.ai.EntityAIWatchClosest;
import net.minecraft.entity.monster.IMob;
import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse;
import net.minecraft.entity.passive.HorseArmorType;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerCapabilities;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.init.MobEffects;
import net.minecraft.init.SoundEvents;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.network.datasync.DataParameter;
import net.minecraft.network.datasync.DataSerializers;
import net.minecraft.network.datasync.EntityDataManager;
import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumHand;
import net.minecraft.util.SoundEvent;
import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.world.World;

public class EntityPegasus2 extends EntityHorse implements IRangedAttackMob
    private boolean allowStandSliding;
    public EntityPegasus2(World worldIn)
		setSize(1.2F, 2.0F);
	public SoundEvent getAmbientSound() {
   	return SoundEvents.ENTITY_HORSE_AMBIENT;
   protected SoundEvent getDeathSound() {
    	return SoundEvents.ENTITY_HORSE_DEATH;
   protected SoundEvent getHurtSound(DamageSource damageSourceIn) {
   	return SoundEvents.ENTITY_HORSE_HURT;
   protected void applyEntityAttributes()

	protected void initEntityAI() 
	    this.tasks.addTask(1, new EntityAIAttackRanged(this, 1.25D, 40, 10.0F));
	    this.tasks.addTask(3, new EntityAIWatchClosest(this, EntityPlayer.class, 6.0F));
	    this.tasks.addTask(4, new EntityAILookIdle(this));
	    this.targetTasks.addTask(1, new EntityAINearestAttackableTarget(this, EntityLiving.class, 10, true, false, IMob.MOB_SELECTOR));
        this.tasks.addTask(1, new EntityAIFollow(this, 2.0D, 3.0F, 7.0F));

	public void attackEntityWithRangedAttack(EntityLivingBase target, float distanceFactor) {
    private void spit(EntityLivingBase target)
		EntityPegasusProjectile entitypegasusprojectile = new EntityPegasusProjectile(this.world, this);
        double d0 = target.posY + (double)target.getEyeHeight() - 1.100000023841858D;
        double d1 = target.posX - this.posX;
        double d2 = d0 - entitypegasusprojectile.posY;
        double d3 = target.posZ - this.posZ;
        float f = MathHelper.sqrt(d1 * d1 + d3 * d3) * 0.2F;
        entitypegasusprojectile.shoot(d1, d2 + (double)f, d3, 1.6F, 12.0F);
        this.playSound(SoundEvents.ENTITY_LLAMA_SPIT, 1.0F, 1.0F / (this.getRNG().nextFloat() * 0.4F + 0.8F));


	public void setSwingingArms(boolean swingingArms) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
    protected void mountTo(EntityPlayer player)
        player.rotationYaw = this.rotationYaw;
        player.rotationPitch = this.rotationPitch;

        if (!this.world.isRemote)
    private static final Set<Item> TAME_ITEMS = Sets.newHashSet(ModItems.SAPPHIRE);
    private static final Item DEADLY_ITEM = ModItems.ANTI_PET_CHARM;
    private static final DataParameter<Float> DATA_HEALTH_ID = EntityDataManager.<Float>createKey(EntityPegasus2.class, DataSerializers.FLOAT);
    public boolean isHorseSaddled()
          return true;
    public boolean isTame() {
    	return true;

    public void travel(float strafe, float vertical, float forward)
        if (this.isBeingRidden() && this.canBeSteered() && this.isHorseSaddled())
            EntityLivingBase entitylivingbase = (EntityLivingBase)this.getControllingPassenger();
            this.rotationYaw = entitylivingbase.rotationYaw;
            this.prevRotationYaw = this.rotationYaw;
            this.rotationPitch = entitylivingbase.rotationPitch * 0.5F;
            this.setRotation(this.rotationYaw, this.rotationPitch);
            this.renderYawOffset = this.rotationYaw;
            this.rotationYawHead = this.renderYawOffset;
            strafe = entitylivingbase.moveStrafing * 0.5F;
            forward = entitylivingbase.moveForward;

            if (forward <= 0.0F)
                forward *= 0.25F;
                this.gallopTime = 0;

            if (this.onGround && this.jumpPower == 0.0F && this.isRearing() && !this.allowStandSliding)
                strafe = 0.0F;
                forward = 0.0F;
            if (this.jumpPower > 0.0F && !this.isHorseJumping() && this.onGround)
                this.motionY = this.getHorseJumpStrength() * (double)this.jumpPower;

                if (this.isPotionActive(MobEffects.JUMP_BOOST))
                    this.motionY += (double)((float)(this.getActivePotionEffect(MobEffects.JUMP_BOOST).getAmplifier() + 1) * 0.1F);

                this.isAirBorne = true;

                if (forward > 0.0F)
                    float f = MathHelper.sin(this.rotationYaw * 0.017453292F);
                    float f1 = MathHelper.cos(this.rotationYaw * 0.017453292F);
                    this.motionX += (double)(-0.4F * f * this.jumpPower);
                    this.motionZ += (double)(0.4F * f1 * this.jumpPower);
                    this.playSound(SoundEvents.ENTITY_HORSE_JUMP, 0.4F, 1.0F);

                this.jumpPower = 0.0F;

            this.jumpMovementFactor = this.getAIMoveSpeed() * 0.1F;

            if (this.canPassengerSteer())
                super.travel(strafe, vertical, forward);
            else if (entitylivingbase instanceof EntityPlayer)
                this.motionX = 0.0D;
                this.motionY = 0.0D;
                this.motionZ = 0.0D;

            if (this.onGround)
                this.jumpPower = 0.0F;

            this.prevLimbSwingAmount = this.limbSwingAmount;
            double d1 = this.posX - this.prevPosX;
            double d0 = this.posZ - this.prevPosZ;
            float f2 = MathHelper.sqrt(d1 * d1 + d0 * d0) * 4.0F;

            if (f2 > 1.0F)
                f2 = 1.0F;

            this.limbSwingAmount += (f2 - this.limbSwingAmount) * 0.4F;
            this.limbSwing += this.limbSwingAmount;
            this.jumpMovementFactor = 0.02F;
            super.travel(strafe, vertical, forward);

I have made a mob that extends EntityHorse so that I am able to ride and control it. But I do not know how I can change the travel method to allow me to double tap space bar to fly and have another keybind in order to descend (as if I was using creative flight but it is not shift to descend as that would dismount).

PS: I am still new to Minecraft modding so go easy.


Edited by clearcut
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