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So in my code for 1.8.1, I used to be able to change Creepers AI tasks like so:

    public void onEntitySpawn(EntityJoinWorldEvent event) {
          if (event.entity instanceof EntityCreeper){
              EntityCreeper entity = (EntityCreeper) event.entity;
              for (Object entry : entity.targetTasks.taskEntries.toArray()){
                  EntityAIBase ai = ((EntityAITasks.EntityAITaskEntry) entry).action;
                 if (ai instanceof EntityAINearestAttackableTarget) entity.targetTasks.removeTask(ai);
              for (Object entry : entity.tasks.taskEntries.toArray()){
                  EntityAIBase ai = ((EntityAITasks.EntityAITaskEntry) entry).action;
                  if (ai instanceof EntityAIAttackOnCollide) entity.tasks.removeTask(ai);
              entity.tasks.addTask(1, new EntityAITempt(entity, 1.0D, Items.gunpowder, false));
              entity.tasks.addTask(2, new EntityAIPanic(entity, 1.4D));


But now, in 1.14.4, i cannot for the life of me figure out how to use the "goal" system in the AI.

I have tried different events, new registry of the mob, overriding creeperEntites... Here is a failure chunk of code I tried to rework the 1.8 function to (knowing it would fail):

(Also, if it doesn't make any sense its because it's literally me changing tiny things to see what happens after weeks of trying)


	public void onEntitySpawn(EntityJoinWorldEvent event) {
	    if (event.getEntity() instanceof CreeperEntity){
	    	CreeperEntity creeper = (CreeperEntity) event.getEntity();
	        for (Task task : creeper.goalSelector.getRunningGoals().filter(PrioritizedGoalPrioritizedGoal).getgoal()){
	        	GoalSelector ai = ((GoalSelector) entry).action;
	           if (ai instanceof EntityAINearestAttackableTarget) entity.targetTasks.removeTask(ai);


The Mod in its base form is just to make creepers friendly and maybe attack other things. I just can't get the Goal system right.

Edited by max2461

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