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How to disable forge's "freezing registries" log?


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When launching forge, it outputs all entries of all registries:


[22:11:22.233] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.GameData/REGISTRIES]: Freezing registries
[22:11:22.236] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry Block Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.265] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry Fluid Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.265] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry Item Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.278] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry Effect Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.279] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry Biome Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.280] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry SoundEvent Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.291] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry Potion Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.294] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry Enchantment Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.299] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry EntityType Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.300] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry TileEntityType Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.301] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry ParticleType Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.302] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry ContainerType Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.303] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry PaintingType Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.303] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry IRecipeSerializer Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.304] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry StatType Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.304] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry VillagerProfession Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.304] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry PointOfInterestType Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.304] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry MemoryModuleType Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.305] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry SensorType Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.305] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry Schedule Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.305] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry Activity Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.306] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry WorldCarver Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.306] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry SurfaceBuilder Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.306] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry Feature Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.308] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry Placement Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.308] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry BiomeProviderType Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.308] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry ChunkGeneratorType Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.309] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry ChunkStatus Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.309] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry ModDimension Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.309] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRIES]: Registry DataSerializerEntry Sync: FROZEN -> ACTIVE
[22:11:22.753] [Server-Worker-3/DEBUG] [ne.mi.re.ForgeRegistry/REGISTRYDUMP]: Registry Name: minecraft:block
	Entry: 0, minecraft:air, Block{minecraft:air}
	Entry: 1, minecraft:stone, Block{minecraft:stone}
	Entry: 2, minecraft:granite, Block{minecraft:granite}
	Entry: 3, minecraft:polished_granite, Block{minecraft:polished_granite}
	Entry: 4, minecraft:diorite, Block{minecraft:diorite}
	Entry: 5, minecraft:polished_diorite, Block{minecraft:polished_diorite}
	Entry: 6, minecraft:andesite, Block{minecraft:andesite}
	Entry: 7, minecraft:polished_andesite, Block{minecraft:polished_andesite}
	Entry: 8, minecraft:grass_block, Block{minecraft:grass_block}
	Entry: 9, minecraft:dirt, Block{minecraft:dirt}
	Entry: 10, minecraft:coarse_dirt, Block{minecraft:coarse_dirt}
	Entry: 11, minecraft:podzol, Block{minecraft:podzol}


...and it keeps logging every block, item, biome, etc. entrry.


Is there a way to disable this output in the IDE or in the mod itself? like change the log level or something?

It happens right after assets load, so it makes it harder to debug issues with models and such.

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Remove the REGISTRYDUMP log marker from your run configurations in the minecraft > runs section of build.gradle and then re-run the genIntellijRuns or genEclipseRuns task to re-generate the IDE run configurations.


For a less-permanent option, you can edit your IDE's run configurations directly instead.

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Please don't PM me to ask for help. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future.

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