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[1.14.3] Change Entity Model Based on Variable

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I want to change between two models for an entity I have, depending on whether or not it is being ridden. I was thinking of something like an if(isBeingRidden) statement inside the entity's Model class to change the model, but this is an EntityType, not an EntityModel, method.


I tried to see how Minecraft does it (let's say for a Zombie attacking) but as of now, I can't access any vanilla Entity or Render class. I did notice the use of DataParameters in Entity classes; and thus used one to store and update whether or not my entity is being ridden. I'm not sure how, and where to use it, though.




'Everyone is a genius,

But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb trees, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.'


-Albert Einstein


If Arthas's horse is named "Invincible", then why can I clearly see him?


I've sorted myself out so I'm answering this in order for this thread to be closed.


All I had to do was to create a boolean isMounted in my entity's model class, and call the doRender() method in my entity's renderer class; where inside I would have checked if the entity isBeingRidden() and change the isMounted boolean accordingly within doRender().



	public void doRender(ScorpionEntity entity, double x, double y, double z, float entityYaw, float partialTicks) {
		boolean state = entity.isBeingRidden();
		ScorpionModel<ScorpionEntity> scorpion = this.getEntityModel();
		scorpion.isMounted = state;

		super.doRender(entity, x, y, z, entityYaw, partialTicks);

Works like a charm

'Everyone is a genius,

But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb trees, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.'


-Albert Einstein


If Arthas's horse is named "Invincible", then why can I clearly see him?

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