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Having issues figuring out Structures. I tried multiple ways but obviously its not going well since I'm here.  Here are my classes incase anyone could help.


Structure Class:

public class TestStructure extends ScatteredStructure<NoFeatureConfig> {

    public TestStructure(Function<Dynamic<?>, ? extends NoFeatureConfig> config) {
    protected int getSeedModifier() {
        return 11111111;
    public IStartFactory getStartFactory() {
        return Start::new;

    public String getStructureName() {
        return MobWar.MODID + ":test_structure";

    public int getSize() {
        return 1;

    public static class Start extends StructureStart {

        public Start(Structure<?> structure, int chunkX, int chunkZ, Biome biome, MutableBoundingBox boundingBox, int references, long seed) {
            super(structure, chunkX, chunkZ, biome, boundingBox, references, seed);

        public void init(ChunkGenerator<?> generator, TemplateManager templateManager, int chunkX, int chunkZ, Biome biome) {

            ResourceLocation templateResource;

            if(this.rand.nextBoolean()) {
                templateResource = new ResourceLocation(MobWar.MODID, "diamond_temple");
            else {
                templateResource = new ResourceLocation(MobWar.MODID, "diamond_temple_2");

            Rotation rotation = Rotation.values()[this.rand.nextInt(Rotation.values().length)];

            TestPiece testPiece = new TestPiece(templateManager, templateResource, new BlockPos(chunkX * 16, 0, chunkZ * 16), rotation);




Structure Piece:

public class TestPiece extends TemplateStructurePiece {

    private final ResourceLocation templateResource;

    private final Rotation rotation;

    public TestPiece(TemplateManager templateManager, ResourceLocation templateResource, BlockPos pos, Rotation rotation) {
        super(TestStructureRegisty.TEST_STRUCTURE_PIECE, 0);
        this.templateResource = templateResource;
        this.templatePosition = pos;
        this.rotation = rotation;

    public TestPiece(TemplateManager templateManager, CompoundNBT nbt) {
        super(TestStructureRegisty.TEST_STRUCTURE_PIECE, nbt);
        this.rotation = Rotation.valueOf(nbt.getString("rot"));
        this.templateResource = new ResourceLocation(nbt.getString("temp"));

    private void setupTemplate(TemplateManager templateManager) {
        Template template = templateManager.getTemplateDefaulted(this.templateResource);
        PlacementSettings placementsettings = (new PlacementSettings()).setRotation(this.rotation).setCenterOffset(new BlockPos(3, 0, 4)).addProcessor(BlockIgnoreStructureProcessor.STRUCTURE_BLOCK);
        this.setup(template, this.templatePosition, placementsettings);

    protected void readAdditional(CompoundNBT nbt) {
        nbt.putString("rot", this.rotation.name());
        nbt.putString("temp", this.templateResource.toString());

    protected void handleDataMarker(String function, BlockPos pos, IWorld world, Random rand, MutableBoundingBox boundingBox) {
        if("chest".equals(function)) {
            LockableLootTileEntity.setLootTable(world, rand, pos.down(), LootTables.CHESTS_SIMPLE_DUNGEON);

    public boolean addComponentParts(IWorld world, Random rand, MutableBoundingBox boundingBox, ChunkPos chunkPos) {
        float height = 0;
        BlockPos structureSize = this.templatePosition.add(this.template.getSize().getX() - 1, 0, this.template.getSize().getZ() - 1);

        for(BlockPos pos : BlockPos.getAllInBoxMutable(this.templatePosition, structureSize)) {
            int k = world.getHeight(Heightmap.Type.WORLD_SURFACE_WG, pos.getX(), pos.getZ());
            height += k;
        height = height / (this.template.getSize().getX() * this.template.getSize().getZ()) - 1;
        this.templatePosition = new BlockPos(this.templatePosition.getX() + 8, height, this.templatePosition.getZ() + 8);
        return super.addComponentParts(world, rand, boundingBox, chunkPos);



@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = MobWar.MODID, bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD)
public class TestStructureRegisty {

        public static final Structure<NoFeatureConfig> TEST_STRUCTURE = new TestStructure(NoFeatureConfig::deserialize);

        public static IStructurePieceType TEST_STRUCTURE_PIECE;

        public static void registerFeatures(RegistryEvent.Register<Feature<?>> event) {

            TEST_STRUCTURE_PIECE = Registry.register(Registry.STRUCTURE_PIECE, MobWar.MODID + ":test_structure", TestPiece::new);

            TestStructure testStructure = new TestStructure(NoFeatureConfig::deserialize);
            testStructure.setRegistryName(MobWar.MODID, "test_structure");

        private static void addOverworldStructures(Biome biome) {
            biome.addFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.SURFACE_STRUCTURES, Biome.createDecoratedFeature(TEST_STRUCTURE, IFeatureConfig.NO_FEATURE_CONFIG, Placement.NOPE, IPlacementConfig.NO_PLACEMENT_CONFIG));


When I use command /locate it shows mobwar:dimond_temple, so I believe that is registering correctly but I can not located structure in my custom dimension.


Also here is my biome class:

public class DiamondBiome extends Biome {

    public DiamondBiome(){
        super((new Biome.Builder())
        .surfaceBuilder(new ConfiguredSurfaceBuilder<SurfaceBuilderConfig>(SurfaceBuilder.DEFAULT, new SurfaceBuilderConfig(Blocks.GRASS_BLOCK.getDefaultState(), Blocks.STONE.getDefaultState(), Blocks.CLAY.getDefaultState())))

        this.addFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.SURFACE_STRUCTURES, Biome.createDecoratedFeature(TestStructureRegisty.TEST_STRUCTURE, IFeatureConfig.NO_FEATURE_CONFIG, Placement.NOPE, IPlacementConfig.NO_PLACEMENT_CONFIG));
        this.addStructure(TestStructureRegisty.TEST_STRUCTURE, IFeatureConfig.NO_FEATURE_CONFIG);

        this.setRegistryName(MobWar.location(MobWar.MODID + "diamond_biome"));




If anyone could give me some guidance, as always, I would appreciate.


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