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[1.14.4] How to open crafting GUI on custom block right click?


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I tried the following:

    public boolean onBlockActivated(BlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos,
            PlayerEntity player, Hand hand, BlockRayTraceResult result) {
        player.openContainer(state.getContainer(world, pos));
        return true;

    public INamedContainerProvider getContainer(BlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos) {
        return new SimpleNamedContainerProvider((i, playerInventory, playerEntity)
                -> new WorkbenchContainer(0, playerInventory), TEXT_COMPONENT);

This opens a crafting GUI, but does some mess in the inventory when opening - some items disappear, some get moved to other slot or duplicated, and everything returns back after leaving the GUI and clicking on any item in the inventory. What am I doing wrong?

A few bytes about me:

public class Xander402 extends Modder implements IForumMember {
    int javaExperience, moddingExperience;
    LearningWay preferredLearningWay;
    public Xander402() {
        this.javaExperience = BIG;
        this.moddingExperience = NOT_SO_BIG;
        this.preferredLearningWay = LearningWay.through("exampes");
      	super(/*displayName*/"Xander402", /*moddingSince*/"1.9", preferredLearningWay);
    public Goal getReasonOfJoining(Forum forum) { return new Goal(() -> { while (true) moddingExperience++; }); }


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Since I need my own implementation of crafting container, I should be able to set which items can be used in crafting with this block, right?
I tried to initiate the crafting matrix like this (the only difference between this and the vanilla class is the slot class name):

        for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
            for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
                this.addSlot(new FoodSlot(this.inventory, j + i * 3,
                        30 + j * 18, 17 + i * 18));

But the game actually doesn't reject any item even if the FoodSlot class looks like this:

package ...

import ...

public class FoodSlot extends Slot {
    public FoodSlot(IInventory inventory, int p1, int p2, int p3) {
        super(inventory, p1, p2, p3);

    public boolean isItemValid(ItemStack item) {
        return false;

Instead, it moves the entire content of the matrix back to the inventory after several clicks.

A few bytes about me:

public class Xander402 extends Modder implements IForumMember {
    int javaExperience, moddingExperience;
    LearningWay preferredLearningWay;
    public Xander402() {
        this.javaExperience = BIG;
        this.moddingExperience = NOT_SO_BIG;
        this.preferredLearningWay = LearningWay.through("exampes");
      	super(/*displayName*/"Xander402", /*moddingSince*/"1.9", preferredLearningWay);
    public Goal getReasonOfJoining(Forum forum) { return new Goal(() -> { while (true) moddingExperience++; }); }


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Edited by Xander402

A few bytes about me:

public class Xander402 extends Modder implements IForumMember {
    int javaExperience, moddingExperience;
    LearningWay preferredLearningWay;
    public Xander402() {
        this.javaExperience = BIG;
        this.moddingExperience = NOT_SO_BIG;
        this.preferredLearningWay = LearningWay.through("exampes");
      	super(/*displayName*/"Xander402", /*moddingSince*/"1.9", preferredLearningWay);
    public Goal getReasonOfJoining(Forum forum) { return new Goal(() -> { while (true) moddingExperience++; }); }


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