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LavaCraftMS Survival Server


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The Enhanced Vanilla Survival Experience!

Balanced, Fluctuating Economy, Shops & an Auction House, Attentive Admins, PvP Enabled in the Wilderness

Minigames , Boss Arena , Custom Enchants , Crates & So much more.

Grow and make some great friends while having fun. Stop by and say Hi today, you will wan't to stay and hang


IP: lavacraftms.mcserv.pro:25565 or




Edited by NikV2
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Server Now has Custom made plugins !
Added Server Information GUI, When you use /help , /pl e.t.c you'll be redirected to the GUI
Added Server Information NPC in the spawn, Right Click to open up the GUI
Removed Marriage plugin, It is simply not being updated anymore so we're leaving it too^
Fixed Players being kicked after being teleported to specific areas
Fixed issues with /Fly and Fly hours not being applied
Fixed a few issues with Custom Enchantments not working until you relog
Small Optimizations (TPS)
I am now capable of creating my own plugins which is going to be a huge help for the server in general !
I've been working very hard recently to make sure everybody has a smooth experience, And so far it has been a success.
In the upcoming days i'll be trying to get better at coding in order to replace some of our current small plugins
And a potential new spawn(Questionmark?)

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Custom Enchantments Nerfs!
Overload V Max -> III
PainGiver IV Max -> III
Enlightened V Max -> IV
Cactus III Max -> II
Valor II Max -> I
Hulk II Max -> I
Gears III Max -> II
Springs V Max -> IV
Anti-Gravity -> REMOVED
Ninja -> REMOVED
Doctor -> REMOVED
Venom V Max -> III
Inquisitive V Max -> IV
Confusion IV Max -> III
Life Steal V Max -> IV
Wither III Max -> II
Vampire V Max -> III
Execute V Max -> IV
Cursed III Max -> II

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Server is now back up !
Main version has been upgraded to 1.14.4
I know it took long, however the good news is i removed a LOT of useless
Plugins including our outdated Permissions plugin with new ones that are constantly updating or
Custom ones
PLEASE Report any bugs that you may find in the #?bug-reports section in discord.
When you log in you won't have your in-game rank that you used to, Send me a PM and i'll go to the old
Ranks plugin to see what rank you had so i can give it back to you^^
What's next?
New spawn in progress, It is going to be our new PERMANENT spawn, And we'll only be changing it up a bit over time
During events e.t.c
Crate Items will be changes, and i might even add more
Spawner types to the Casino!
This update taught me a lot and now it's going to be way easier to upgrade through versions without issues, it will be almost constant
I just switched to 1.14.4 since 1.13.2 was not receiving any more updates, and once 1.15.1 becomes stable we'll upgrade to that !
Server perfomance was not affected, However if it does in a bad way.
I've already have lag measurements backed up just in case. So if we get TPS drops or anything like that
I'll fix it right away !
Have an amazing day ❤️

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Hotfix update
Fixed a bug with Plot System using stone slabs instead of smooth stone slabs (due to 1.14.4)
Fixed an issue with permissions
Fixed very high RAM usage due to pillager patrols
I forgot to give credit, i'm an idiot but. Thanks a lot @Rida for your amazing development on our Skin Plugin !
Fixed a few corrupted entities (Not much to worry about as our system removes corrupted entities once they are ticked)
Added /Kitspreview command with an amazing GUI System that's super easy to use !

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Please make sure to read all the changes ! theres a lot of them and all of them are important.
Changed the spawn ! <---
Added the new Molten Crate ! <---
Added the new Portal Hub ! <---
Replaced the previous Crate plugin and fixed many bugs, it looks way cooler too !
The previous Casino plugin has been replaced with Casino Crates !
Removed 90% of the vouchers and added new ones way more optimized
Added Jump Blocks in the new spawn !
Removed Quests
Daily - Weekly missions have been buffed (/missions)
You now get 1 key fragment as you tier up !
Vote boss now gives a key fragment !
Removed AutoSmelt enchant due to it causing issues that can not be fixed !
Added a GUI when you do /warp !
You no longer get a GUI on your face when u do /help !
Prices of white scrolls and dusts in /CE have been increased !
Added better 1.15.2 Support !
Added /Discord command !
Fixed /Buy command !
Added /Kitspreview !
Player FPS have been increased
Optimized Server's perfomance - Ram, CPU
Updated - Replaced many plugins that were no longer supported
Better Pre 1.14.4 Support
We also welcome two new members to the staff team !
Builder: @Arkapple
Helper: @Celensor
Thank you for your hard work on the new spawn and the server buildings !
@Yang Wenli

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Greetings! I recently started working on my own plugin ServerToolsPro.
And today i released the first version of it !
I'll add it on spigot once i add more features to it, However it has gone live in our server.
Our new amazing MOTD has been set thanks to ServerToolsPro, and today
i also added the ability for players to use or [item] to be able to
Show the item they're holding in chat, Including enchantments and lores.
Please let me know what you guys think i'd love to hear your suggestions!
Small TPS Optimizations (Yes i know i just wan't everything to work correctly without any TPS losses)
Player's FPS have been increased since mobs and chunks are going to render closer to the player
Patched any type of exploit
Added - [item] <- Show your item in the chat !
Daily BattlePass missions are now a bit harder but more rewarding
Top voters will now get better rewards!
Fixed a rare bug with /Fly
New players will now get One Hour of Fly time
Fixed LavaBoss being untargetable
Mob Arena is now more rewarding
To be added:
More mobs to the warp grinder, Including slimes!
Report system <- Being able to report other players via a command and send it directly to a staff member
New BattlePass missions

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Huge changes to mob farms and mobs in general!
Mobs will No longer stack <-
Removed ClearLag
Mob spawns - Farms will now be limited, If a player has (x) amount of mob types close to him
Once the mob limit occurs they will be removed and put back to a lower value to avoid Lag
You can no longer show crate keys in the chat by using or [item]
Fixed an issue where players would fall into the void after teleporting to a warp after connecting
Removed many useless plugins

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That was the final whitelist, I apologize!
However that was pretty good for the server, here's the changes.
Replaced the resource world-warp completely with /farmworld
The farmworld is going to reset after 6 hours and of course it is going to regenerate a newer 1.14.4 map every time.
By using /farmworld you will now get teleported to a random location.
Removed 1/3 of our plugins (They were simply not needed anymore, most of them were API's)
Boosted perfomance! <- again. yes i know.
I decided to NOT revert back to the previous mob stacking system and the entity clear.
I'm going to keep gathering data and see how things go. If i notice that our perfomance gets worse I'm going to revert back
To the stacked mobs.
Since all these changes went through, and they were very important.
Starting tommorow i'll start working hard on releasing the first version of my plugin.
In the meantime, please report any bugs on the #?bug-reports section and hit me up with any suggestions!

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Good evening ! Here's some changes:)
I added 2 new features to my plugin (ServerToolsPro) The changes are as follows:

You can now report players by using /report <player> <reason>
The command has a 2 hour cooldown to avoid spamming
Any available staff member is going to get a notification after you successfuly reported a player.
Using the report command 'for fun' or to troll any staff members and making unreasonable reports in general
will end up in you being Unable to use the command forever !

You probably noticed that our Player Slots are now 0/1 or 1/2 (Depending if someone is online or not)
This is not a bug!
This is my plugin's new feature and here's how it works:
When no players are online the slots are going to show as 0/1, And of course you are going to be able to join
After you joined the slots are then going to show as 1/2, Meaning they will keep increasing by 1 every time someone joins the server.
Of course slots are unlimited and there's no limit of when the slots are going to get increased.

Why is this good?
1) It looks awesome:)
2) Less slots = Less ram !
3) It looks awesome:)
4) It looks awesome:)

You also can no longer see which players are online by hovering with your mouse in the slots if you're on your server's list.
Instead it is going to show my new amazing Hover text ! (Professional i know)
Added more items to the /shop
Fixed a bug in the casino where you would always win an item no matter what
Removed Kit Color and Kit Firework
Battle Pass weekly missions are now more rewarding but a bit harder to do (Overall a buff)
Let me know what you guys think about these changes !

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Economy - Protection changes.
Re - Added The ability to change your skin! -> /skin set <name> (/skin) for more info.

Jobs have been buffed
Reduced the amount of survival keys you get from Tier Ups in battlepass (from 6 to 3)
In - Game ranks prices after Warlord have been increased
Fixed an issue with the Farmworld where you weren't able to break blocks (Sorry)
I Made a few security changes including Proxy - VPN Blacklisting, Please let me know if you guys have any issues ! (Most likely not)
Fixed many kits showing invalid color codes
Added a new cool look to the Essentials Commands !

Removed 1.7 - 1.8 Support, Why?

1) Issues with false positives in these versions
2) Many exploits can be done in these versions
3) Theres practically no reason to not be joining with versions higher than 1.9
4) Faster Log In due to the version checking system
Please report any bugs to the bug reports section in discord.

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Top Voters of the month have received their rewards on their /pv 1
Thank you guys for supporting the server, You're amazing!
1) Vansiara
2) Celensor
3) TomasTheTrain
Removed the report feature

1) I developed it very badly and i rushed it so it came out being useless
2) I might re - develop a simular feature in the future

You can now properly list any items with enchantments - lores by using instead of getting an error
Mermaid enchantment has been set to I Max From IV Max, Due to an issue where helmets having mermaid II or higher not working
Fixed the chance of getting 'nothing' from the casino (Sorry)

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Custom enchantments and bugs!
There's currently an issue with a few enchants, for example AutoSmelt - Furnace not dropping ores when combined with blast.
I Removed autosmelt before for that exact reason, However today i also completely removed Haste and Furnace until the plugin developer
Makes an update where he fixes this, Then they will be re added again. (Do not ask me when, I do not know myself since i'm waiting for the dev too)

*I Understand the removal of furnace, but why haste?*

Haste was in general being problematic pickaxes with efficiency 5+ Haste combined with blast, and boom a player instantly mined the whole world underground in a few minutes.
Also haste has a strange bug where sometimes after the server restart it just doesn't work until a few hours go by.
I sincerely apologize for these changes however i had to remove these two in order to keep the server healthy without any issues ❤️

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Hello !
I ran a few tests today and made some changes. Here they are!

Titles when a boss spawns e.t.c will no longer take over your whole screen.
I made my own TitleSender plugin since the one that we used to have is now abandoned.
You will now have more daily missions !
The old casino pickaxe has been replaced with a diamond one, Due to some issues.
Our previous AutoRestart plugin has been replaced by the one i made.
Restarts will occur every 7 hours and 25 minutes, And of course you'll be notified.

The 1.15.2 testing ended up better than i expected !
We are safe to update to 1.15.2 whenever.
We'll wait possibly a week or two maybe more before we update to 1.15.2

Why 1.15.2?
1) 1.14.4 Is now historically the worst version and most unoptimized ever released
2) No more updates for 1.14.4 server jars
3) 1.15.2 is very optimized
I am aware of the issue of PvP Arena where players are not able to Attack eachother
I'll take a look on it tommorow since i honestly couldn't find why this is happening

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Added the amazing tree falling animation !

How does it work?

When you topple the base of the tree, the rest of it now falls. and plants a sapling

You're not able to break the sapling for a minute

Tree toppling has a 2 second cooldown.

Chopping trees in the farmworld now gives a bit more wood sometimes!

Monsters can now spawn in the farmworld !

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Good Evening !

We bought a new Bosses Plugin Today and from tommorow i'll work on
Re - Creating the bosses on my test server.

Once i'm done with the bosses we'll then update to 1.15.2 and add the new Bosses !

I'm aware of the PvP issue where players aren't able to PvP basically anywhere, I did some testing with Steven today
And i'm now testing a method to get it fixed and we'll see how it goes (We'll see on the next restart)

OH! Now that i said Restart...
Restarts will no longer occur every 7 hours.

Server's now going to Automatically Reboot Every 15 Hours ! <----------

Specifically, At 05:32AM (GMT+2) EU Timezone !
I also released two of my Plugins on Spigot !
Make sure to check them out ^_^

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1.15.2 Is finally here !

I'm sorry this took so long, I had some issues with our currently Temp Fly plugin and i literally had to Edit it myself in order to make it work>:)
New Bosses are now live ! Every boss has been completely reworked.

Removed a few plugins that were unused

Fixed the bug where you couldn't PvP anywhere

Fixed issues with Fly Hours not applying properly

Fixed a few console errors
Please report any bugs that you may find
Or suggestions about the bosses in our Bug Report Section.

The current bosses configurations are in BETA
I did not have too much time to properly test every single mechanic of them.
Please leave feedback about them if you encounter any issues
Have an amazing day ^^

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Small - Big changes
Buffed bosses
Removed the previous Jump Pads plugin and added my own (The pressure plates that made u jump)
Perfomance Improvements
Removed Farmworld completely due to it causing many issues and ruining PvP in every world
Fixed Vote Top signs
Fixed many many many Fly - KillAura false positives

- Added -

Since we removed farmworld, I added a new feature.
On every server startup or every week
The server's automatically going to remove - regenerate land that has not been visited by players
This also includes the End and Nether and it does not include Player claims - plots e.t.c
Meaning that the nether and end SHOULD Reset after a few days (We'll have to wait and see)

It works like that: Let's say you use /wild, u find a cave. And you start mining.
If you do not claim that land and leave it as it is for 5+ days it is going to automatically reset


This feature is still in BETA.
I've made many tests myself and all results were positive
However i do not fully trust it yet that's why im going to be doing daily backups to ensure there's no losses

-To be added(Maybe)-

Scoreboard <- Depends if you guys wan't it back^^

Pet plugin <- Not sure yet, i need to run more tests with it first. And if we end up adding it. It is going to be a donor perk.

/Smelt <- I started working on my own plugin that smelts all the ores on your inventory, It isn't ready yet but once i finish it and ensure there's no bugs i'll add it (Donor perk)

Leave your suggestions!

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New features !

You can now marry players once again !
Romantic ain't it?

Marrying a player will unlock you the permission to use /marry sethome - home , /marry tp and /marry chat.
Oh and... You can also.. kiss.. players... Please do not abuse it in a bad way ty:)

You can now Trade with other players with a GUI by using /Trade <Player>
You can also Trade Money with that feature.

Added an amazing Scoreboard since you guys wanted it ^^ Let me know what you think !

Replaced our previous /Wild plugin with a new one.
You will now gain Protections after using /Wild for 10 seconds , We've had issues with the previous
Plugin due to players sometimes getting teleported to the void or sometimes it lagged the server due to the plugin
not being able to find a location (Good job dev !)

Wrong Spawnpoints in Mob Arena
Your prefix will no longer have two or three spaces making your name in chat super duper long
After you donated you will now get your rank way faster instead of having to wait 10-15 minutes


I won't be In-Game that much these days since i'll be taking Java Courses with our great admin Steven.
We wan't to get better at Coding to simply create - manage our own plugins on our own.

However we'll still be in touch with you guys and Any issues - Suggestions please bring them over to our Channels !

Have an amazing day.

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Valentines Crate is now out !

The new Spider Queen Boss is now out ! (Beta)

Added more stuff to the Premium Casino !

Replaced the previous Boss Vouchers from Crates with Actual Boss Eggs, You can only spawn a Boss
Inside the /Warp Bossarena. (Note: Previous Boss Vouchers will still work)

Added more features to our store! Check the announcements for more info.

Mob Arena Key Fragments will now be given normally, And not via a kit.

Server's no longer going to start lagging slowly over time once a player with the Master rank joins the server.
(This was caused from the Scoreboard since it couldn't handle how big the prefix of Master Rank was, So it started sending errors)

General perfomance improvements.

To be added:


Pets? <- Untested - Not decided

What else?
Throw your suggestion in our suggestion section on discord !


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Bosses will no longer spawn minions due to an issue where if you kill a boss's minion it won't drop a key fragment on death

Bosses now have more health (Spider Queen is overpowered)

After being inactive for 2 months all of your data including password, claims and everything except your rank are young to get deleted.


Data will now be deleted after you've been inactive for 3 months.
However please note that if your password gets a reset other players can log into your account.

You will no longer freeze after being afk for 2 minutes making you unable to type commands

Reduced the cooldown of /rtp (/wild) to 2 Minutes from 15 Minutes



Fixed a rare bug where sometimes you'd fall to the void after using /Spawn (Woops!)


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You will no longer lose your items if you die inside the PvP Arena !

Added more Battle Pass missions including the Kissing mission (get her on a hot date first)

Fixed a few issues in the Combat System in general


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Added more features to the /shop Including... ITEM FRAMES AND ARMOR STANDS !
(They are expensive due to them being problematic in some cases and to prevent players from using them for no particular reason)

Added a few amazing particles around the spawn - crates area!

Donators (Noble +) can now make - create their own Particle effects for them to use, Particles are fully customizable and easy to set up. Use /PP to see for yourself ^^

Added Passive mob grinders at /Warp Grinder!

Re - Added the Furnace enchantment !

Removed our /Trade plugin, Why?
Unoptimized, Bad dev.
No longer receiving updates, Risky to use.

Removed ClearLag, Why?
I've gotten way better with Spigot configuration since this server came to life, We simply no longer need it anymore since instead of *Fixing lag* the only thing that
It did was Annoy players by clearing their items and messing up their farms.
Most of the things ClearLag does i've already set up on our server configuration.

Added the previous Mob Limit plugin (Not annoying)

Setting a /Pwarp no longer costs money!

Added more words to the LavaChat game!

Top monthly voter rewards SHOULD now be given automatically to the player (Once the month's over please let me know if you successfully received your rewards)

Increased item stacking to 526 (ground only)

Added a new amazing looking Hologram on dropped items !

Mob Arena has gotten a few small changes


Fixed - Optimized our Anti - Cheat, You will no longer have issues with False positives (Unless your cheating) <-
Fixed zero tick farms not working
Fixed many Typos in holograms - signs
Finally fixed Top Voter signs
FINALLY Fixed the issue with pwarps resetting (You might need to set your warp again)
Fixed T O N S of issues with the Blast Enchant - Furnace + Much more
Fixed an issue where the /ce GUI would sometimes Break
Made most of server things asyncronous Greatly improving perfomance
Fixed many issues with Crates
Fixed issues with Plots

Upcoming changes:

Fully configured the Envoys feature, It is now ready to be used and i'll implement it once i build our new PvP Arena

I'll start working on our new PvP Arena

Our new PvP Arena is going to have Custom PvP kits that you can buy - use

Along with that, There's also going to be the new Envoy Crate which is going to be opened only with Envoy Crate Keys
Envoy Crate Keys won't be acquired by trading Key Fragments, You can only find it by Opening Envoys when the Envoy Events occur.

New Mob Arena will likely be added very very soon.

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You can now Tab - Complete /<Command> <Tab> Enjoy !
You no longer need to click the Iron Block in Mob Arena to ready up, It will now Auto - Start every 13 Seconds.
Added the new Mob Arena (Aquarena) Made by Narczeska ! <- Make sure to check it out.
Optimized every single server tick by quite a bit
Hoppers are now slower but Transfer more items
Improved player FPS by quite a lot, Server will generally no longer affect the player's FPS.


Fixed possible duplication glitch with the shop
Fixed many issues with the Mob Arena
Better 1.12 - 1.14.4 Support
Fixed issues with the new Particles
Fixed Console errors
Fixed issues with Spawner stacking


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Pre - Generated the whole world!
Added Backpacks! (/bp, /backpack)
Removed the LavaChat Game
You will no longer be able to connect to the server while it's still loading
(This is to prevent issues and to also prevent a few problems while the server's starting up)
After a Claim gets expired (The user's inactive for two+ months) It will now regenerate the whole claimed area
Changed spawn a lil bit.

I Myself did visit *every* Player's home and Took the items from their Vaults. For all of you who did not have time to remove your items
I have the database file in my computer and if anything is missing, Simply PM me and i'll bring it back!


Combat System is now more smooth
Fixed the issue where sometimes you'd be kicked due to *Bot Attacks* Even tho you did not do anything or no attack was active
Fixed issues with Skins not loading sometimes
Re - Wrote a few rewards inside Crates in order for them to work properly(Had a few rare bugs before)
The Holograms will now properly load on top of crates
Fixed Particles sometimes bugging out and getting stuck on the ground
Mob behavior will no longer be awkward(Had a few issues with the mob's range before)
Fixed the server's MOTD sometimes breaking out after pinging twice
Removed the Anti Phantom Plugin and simply disabled Phantom spawning without the need of any plugins
Removed Non existant permissions from a few groups
You will no longer get teleported to the world border after using /Wild
Fixed an issue where no matter what you typed it'd show the item that you're holding in the chat
Fixed a few issues with Tab


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