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(Solved) [1.14.4] How do I add my custom biome to the default-worldtype?


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(Sorry for bad english)

Hey guys, I'm new here, please be lenient with me if I say something stupid. I'm currently working on a custom biome. In the Buffet-worldtype, I can choose my biome and it already works as I want. The only problem is, that it does not generate in the "default" world type. I'm pretty sure about that, because I made it generate the EndCity-structure in said biome, which I can find via /locate in the "Buffet-world", but I cannot find it in the "Default-world".


This is my custom biomes' class:

public class WetForestBiome extends WoodsBiome {
    public WetForestBiome() {
        super((new Biome.Builder()).surfaceBuilder(new ConfiguredSurfaceBuilder<SurfaceBuilderConfig>(SurfaceBuilder.DEFAULT, new SurfaceBuilderConfig(Blocks.GRASS_BLOCK.getDefaultState(), Blocks.DIRT.getDefaultState(), Blocks.DIRT.getDefaultState()))).precipitation(Biome.RainType.RAIN).category(Biome.Category.FOREST).depth(-0.05F).scale(0.1F).temperature(0.7F).downfall(0.8F).waterColor(0x007a49).waterFogColor(0x007a49).parent("forest"));
        this.addStructure(Feature.END_CITY, IFeatureConfig.NO_FEATURE_CONFIG);
        //some irrelevant this.addSpawn() and DefaultBiomeFeature features


This is the class above my custom biome (not sure how to say it in english)

public class WoodsBiome extends Biome {

    protected WoodsBiome(Builder biomeBuilder) {

    public boolean doesMossGenerate(IWorldReader worldIn, BlockPos pos) { //I don't think this function is relevant for my problem but I'll leave it here ^^
        if (this.func_225486_c(pos) >= 0.15F) {
            return false;
        } else {
            BlockState blockstate = worldIn.getBlockState(pos);
            if (blockstate.isAir(worldIn, pos) && BlockList.moss.getDefaultState().isValidPosition(worldIn, pos)) {
                return true;
            return true;


And this is my biomes class, where the biome is registered:

public class Biomes {
    public static Biome WET_FOREST_BIOME = new WetForestBiome();

    public static void registerBiomes() {
        registerBiome(WET_FOREST_BIOME, Type.FOREST);

    public static void registerBiome(Biome biome, Type...types) {
        BiomeDictionary.addTypes(biome, types);

    static {
        Collections.addAll(Biome.BIOMES, WET_FOREST_BIOME);


As I said, it completely works in Buffet-mode. How can I make it to be generated in normal Minecraft-worlds?

Do you need any more files/classes? Many thanks in advance for your effort :)

Best regards, Manu


Edit: forgot to say I'm using Forge 28.1.107 for Minecraft 1.14.4

Edited by PianoManu
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Nevermind, I found a solution.

I made a class with a setup() method (which I call in my main class)  that uses the BiomeManager.addBiome-function and it works now


public static void setup() {
    for(Biome biome : ForgeRegistries.BIOMES) {
        BiomeManager.addBiome(BiomeManager.BiomeType.WARM, new BiomeManager.BiomeEntry(BiomesList.WET_FOREST_BIOME, 20));

Thanks Y'all, see you

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