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Posted (edited)

Is there a way to change the hardness and resistance of a block dynamically by for example getting a variable from a tile entity?

Edited by DJ1TJOO


2 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

Hardness: Override Block#getBlockHardness.

Resistance: Override IForgeBlock#getExplosionResistance.


I have another question can I ask it here or should I open a new topic

Just now, diesieben07 said:

Either one is fine.

I have a block and its recistance is set to 18000000 that is the same as bedrock but I can still blow it up with tnt


                .hardnessAndResistance(25.0f, 18000000.0f)

Posted (edited)

It extends this class:
Its a door

public class DoorLockBlock extends Block {
	public static final DirectionProperty FACING;
    public static final BooleanProperty OPEN;
    public static final EnumProperty<DoorHingeSide> HINGE;
    public static final EnumProperty<DoubleBlockHalf> HALF;
    protected static final VoxelShape SOUTH_AABB;
    protected static final VoxelShape NORTH_AABB;
    protected static final VoxelShape WEST_AABB;
    protected static final VoxelShape EAST_AABB;
    protected DoorLockBlock(final Block.Properties p_i48413_1_) {
        this.setDefaultState((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)this.stateContainer.getBaseState()).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING, (Comparable)Direction.NORTH)).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN, (Comparable)false)).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE, (Comparable)DoorHingeSide.LEFT)).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF, (Comparable)DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER)));
    public VoxelShape getShape(final BlockState p_220053_1_, final IBlockReader p_220053_2_, final BlockPos p_220053_3_, final ISelectionContext p_220053_4_) {
        final Direction lvt_5_1_ = (Direction)p_220053_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING);
        final boolean lvt_6_1_ = !(boolean)p_220053_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN);
        final boolean lvt_7_1_ = p_220053_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE) == DoorHingeSide.RIGHT;
        switch (DoorLockBlock.DoorBlock$1.field_185789_a[lvt_5_1_.ordinal()]) {
            default: {
                return lvt_6_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.EAST_AABB : (lvt_7_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.NORTH_AABB : DoorLockBlock.SOUTH_AABB);
            case 2: {
                return lvt_6_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.SOUTH_AABB : (lvt_7_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.EAST_AABB : DoorLockBlock.WEST_AABB);
            case 3: {
                return lvt_6_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.WEST_AABB : (lvt_7_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.SOUTH_AABB : DoorLockBlock.NORTH_AABB);
            case 4: {
                return lvt_6_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.NORTH_AABB : (lvt_7_1_ ? DoorLockBlock.WEST_AABB : DoorLockBlock.EAST_AABB);
	public BlockState updatePostPlacement(final BlockState p_196271_1_, final Direction p_196271_2_, final BlockState p_196271_3_, final IWorld p_196271_4_, final BlockPos p_196271_5_, final BlockPos p_196271_6_) {
        final DoubleBlockHalf lvt_7_1_ = (DoubleBlockHalf)p_196271_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF);
        if (p_196271_2_.getAxis() == Direction.Axis.Y && lvt_7_1_ == DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER == (p_196271_2_ == Direction.UP)) {
            if (p_196271_3_.getBlock() == this && p_196271_3_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF) != lvt_7_1_) {
                return (BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)p_196271_1_.with((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING, p_196271_3_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING))).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN, p_196271_3_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN))).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE, p_196271_3_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE)));
            return Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState();
        else {
            if (lvt_7_1_ == DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER && p_196271_2_ == Direction.DOWN && !p_196271_1_.isValidPosition((IWorldReader)p_196271_4_, p_196271_5_)) {
                return Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState();
            return super.updatePostPlacement(p_196271_1_, p_196271_2_, p_196271_3_, p_196271_4_, p_196271_5_, p_196271_6_);
    public void harvestBlock(final World p_180657_1_, final PlayerEntity p_180657_2_, final BlockPos p_180657_3_, final BlockState p_180657_4_, @Nullable final TileEntity p_180657_5_, final ItemStack p_180657_6_) {
        super.harvestBlock(p_180657_1_, p_180657_2_, p_180657_3_, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), p_180657_5_, p_180657_6_);
    public void onBlockHarvested(final World p_176208_1_, final BlockPos p_176208_2_, final BlockState p_176208_3_, final PlayerEntity p_176208_4_) {
        final DoubleBlockHalf lvt_5_1_ = (DoubleBlockHalf)p_176208_3_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF);
        final BlockPos lvt_6_1_ = (lvt_5_1_ == DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER) ? p_176208_2_.up() : p_176208_2_.down();
        final BlockState lvt_7_1_ = p_176208_1_.getBlockState(lvt_6_1_);
        if (lvt_7_1_.getBlock() == this && lvt_7_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF) != lvt_5_1_) {
            p_176208_1_.setBlockState(lvt_6_1_, Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), 35);
            p_176208_1_.playEvent(p_176208_4_, 2001, lvt_6_1_, Block.getStateId(lvt_7_1_));
            final ItemStack lvt_8_1_ = p_176208_4_.getHeldItemMainhand();
            if (!p_176208_1_.isRemote && !p_176208_4_.isCreative()) {
                Block.spawnDrops(p_176208_3_, p_176208_1_, p_176208_2_, (TileEntity)null, (Entity)p_176208_4_, lvt_8_1_);
                Block.spawnDrops(lvt_7_1_, p_176208_1_, lvt_6_1_, (TileEntity)null, (Entity)p_176208_4_, lvt_8_1_);
        super.onBlockHarvested(p_176208_1_, p_176208_2_, p_176208_3_, p_176208_4_);
	public boolean allowsMovement(final BlockState p_196266_1_, final IBlockReader p_196266_2_, final BlockPos p_196266_3_, final PathType p_196266_4_) {
        switch (DoorLockBlock.DoorBlock$1.field_210338_b[p_196266_4_.ordinal()]) {
            case 1: {
                return (boolean)p_196266_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN);
            case 2: {
                return false;
            case 3: {
                return (boolean)p_196266_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN);
            default: {
                return false;
    private int getCloseSound() {
        return (this.material == Material.IRON) ? 1011 : 1012;
    private int getOpenSound() {
        return (this.material == Material.IRON) ? 1005 : 1006;
    public BlockState getStateForPlacement(final BlockItemUseContext p_196258_1_) {
        final BlockPos lvt_2_1_ = p_196258_1_.getPos();
        if (lvt_2_1_.getY() < 255 && p_196258_1_.getWorld().getBlockState(lvt_2_1_.up()).isReplaceable(p_196258_1_)) {
            return (BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)((BlockState)this.getDefaultState().with((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING, (Comparable)p_196258_1_.getPlacementHorizontalFacing())).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE, (Comparable)this.getHingeSide(p_196258_1_)).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN, (Comparable)false)).with((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF, (Comparable)DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER)));
        return null;
    public void onBlockPlacedBy(final World p_180633_1_, final BlockPos p_180633_2_, final BlockState p_180633_3_, final LivingEntity p_180633_4_, final ItemStack p_180633_5_) {
        p_180633_1_.setBlockState(p_180633_2_.up(), (BlockState)p_180633_3_.with((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF, (Comparable)DoubleBlockHalf.UPPER), 3);
    private DoorHingeSide getHingeSide(final BlockItemUseContext p_208073_1_) {
        final IBlockReader lvt_2_1_ = (IBlockReader)p_208073_1_.getWorld();
        final BlockPos lvt_3_1_ = p_208073_1_.getPos();
        final Direction lvt_4_1_ = p_208073_1_.getPlacementHorizontalFacing();
        final BlockPos lvt_5_1_ = lvt_3_1_.up();
        final Direction lvt_6_1_ = lvt_4_1_.rotateYCCW();
        final BlockPos lvt_7_1_ = lvt_3_1_.offset(lvt_6_1_);
        final BlockState lvt_8_1_ = lvt_2_1_.getBlockState(lvt_7_1_);
        final BlockPos lvt_9_1_ = lvt_5_1_.offset(lvt_6_1_);
        final BlockState lvt_10_1_ = lvt_2_1_.getBlockState(lvt_9_1_);
        final Direction lvt_11_1_ = lvt_4_1_.rotateY();
        final BlockPos lvt_12_1_ = lvt_3_1_.offset(lvt_11_1_);
        final BlockState lvt_13_1_ = lvt_2_1_.getBlockState(lvt_12_1_);
        final BlockPos lvt_14_1_ = lvt_5_1_.offset(lvt_11_1_);
        final BlockState lvt_15_1_ = lvt_2_1_.getBlockState(lvt_14_1_);
        final int lvt_16_1_ = (lvt_8_1_.func_224756_o(lvt_2_1_, lvt_7_1_) ? -1 : 0) + (lvt_10_1_.func_224756_o(lvt_2_1_, lvt_9_1_) ? -1 : 0) + (lvt_13_1_.func_224756_o(lvt_2_1_, lvt_12_1_) ? 1 : 0) + (lvt_15_1_.func_224756_o(lvt_2_1_, lvt_14_1_) ? 1 : 0);
        final boolean lvt_17_1_ = lvt_8_1_.getBlock() == this && lvt_8_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF) == DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER;
        final boolean lvt_18_1_ = lvt_13_1_.getBlock() == this && lvt_13_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF) == DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER;
        if ((lvt_17_1_ && !lvt_18_1_) || lvt_16_1_ > 0) {
            return DoorHingeSide.RIGHT;
        if ((lvt_18_1_ && !lvt_17_1_) || lvt_16_1_ < 0) {
            return DoorHingeSide.LEFT;
        final int lvt_19_1_ = lvt_4_1_.getXOffset();
        final int lvt_20_1_ = lvt_4_1_.getZOffset();
        final Vec3d lvt_21_1_ = p_208073_1_.getHitVec();
        final double lvt_22_1_ = lvt_21_1_.x - lvt_3_1_.getX();
        final double lvt_24_1_ = lvt_21_1_.z - lvt_3_1_.getZ();
        return ((lvt_19_1_ < 0 && lvt_24_1_ < 0.5) || (lvt_19_1_ > 0 && lvt_24_1_ > 0.5) || (lvt_20_1_ < 0 && lvt_22_1_ > 0.5) || (lvt_20_1_ > 0 && lvt_22_1_ < 0.5)) ? DoorHingeSide.RIGHT : DoorHingeSide.LEFT;
    public boolean onBlockActivated(BlockState p_220051_1_, final World p_220051_2_, final BlockPos p_220051_3_, final PlayerEntity p_220051_4_, final Hand p_220051_5_, final BlockRayTraceResult p_220051_6_) {
        if (this.material == Material.IRON) {
            return false;
        p_220051_1_ = (BlockState)p_220051_1_.cycle((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN);
        p_220051_2_.setBlockState(p_220051_3_, p_220051_1_, 10);
        p_220051_2_.playEvent(p_220051_4_, ((boolean)p_220051_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN)) ? this.getOpenSound() : this.getCloseSound(), p_220051_3_, 0);
        return true;
    public void toggleDoor(final World p_176512_1_, final BlockPos p_176512_2_, final boolean p_176512_3_) {
        final BlockState lvt_4_1_ = p_176512_1_.getBlockState(p_176512_2_);
        if (lvt_4_1_.getBlock() != this || (boolean)lvt_4_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN) == p_176512_3_) {
        p_176512_1_.setBlockState(p_176512_2_, (BlockState)lvt_4_1_.with((IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN, (Comparable)p_176512_3_), 10);
        this.playSound(p_176512_1_, p_176512_2_, p_176512_3_);
    public void neighborChanged(final BlockState p_220069_1_, final World p_220069_2_, final BlockPos p_220069_3_, final Block p_220069_4_, final BlockPos p_220069_5_, final boolean p_220069_6_) {
    public boolean isValidPosition(final BlockState p_196260_1_, final IWorldReader p_196260_2_, final BlockPos p_196260_3_) {
        final BlockPos lvt_4_1_ = p_196260_3_.down();
        final BlockState lvt_5_1_ = p_196260_2_.getBlockState(lvt_4_1_);
        if (p_196260_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF) == DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER) {
            return lvt_5_1_.func_224755_d((IBlockReader)p_196260_2_, lvt_4_1_, Direction.UP);
        return lvt_5_1_.getBlock() == this;
    private void playSound(final World p_196426_1_, final BlockPos p_196426_2_, final boolean p_196426_3_) {
        p_196426_1_.playEvent((PlayerEntity)null, p_196426_3_ ? this.getOpenSound() : this.getCloseSound(), p_196426_2_, 0);
    public PushReaction getPushReaction(final BlockState p_149656_1_) {
        return PushReaction.DESTROY;
    public BlockRenderLayer getRenderLayer() {
        return BlockRenderLayer.CUTOUT;
    public BlockState rotate(final BlockState p_185499_1_, final Rotation p_185499_2_) {
        return (BlockState)p_185499_1_.with((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING, (Comparable)p_185499_2_.rotate((Direction)p_185499_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING)));
    public BlockState mirror(final BlockState p_185471_1_, final Mirror p_185471_2_) {
        if (p_185471_2_ == Mirror.NONE) {
            return p_185471_1_;
        return (BlockState)p_185471_1_.rotate(p_185471_2_.toRotation((Direction)p_185471_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING))).cycle((IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE);
    public long getPositionRandom(final BlockState p_209900_1_, final BlockPos p_209900_2_) {
        return MathHelper.getCoordinateRandom(p_209900_2_.getX(), p_209900_2_.down((int)((p_209900_1_.get((IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF) != DoubleBlockHalf.LOWER) ? 1 : 0)).getY(), p_209900_2_.getZ());
    protected void fillStateContainer(final StateContainer.Builder<Block, BlockState> p_206840_1_) {
        p_206840_1_.add(new IProperty[] { (IProperty)DoorBlock.HALF, (IProperty)DoorBlock.FACING, (IProperty)DoorBlock.OPEN, (IProperty)DoorBlock.HINGE});
    static {
        FACING = HorizontalBlock.HORIZONTAL_FACING;
        OPEN = BlockStateProperties.OPEN;
        HINGE = BlockStateProperties.DOOR_HINGE;
        HALF = BlockStateProperties.DOUBLE_BLOCK_HALF;
        SOUTH_AABB = Block.makeCuboidShape(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 16.0, 16.0, 3.0);
        NORTH_AABB = Block.makeCuboidShape(0.0, 0.0, 13.0, 16.0, 16.0, 16.0);
        WEST_AABB = Block.makeCuboidShape(13.0, 0.0, 0.0, 16.0, 16.0, 16.0);
        EAST_AABB = Block.makeCuboidShape(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 16.0, 16.0);
    static class DoorBlock$1 {
        private static int[] field_210338_b;
		private static int[] field_185789_a;

		static {
            DoorBlock$1.field_210338_b = new int[PathType.values().length];
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_210338_b[PathType.LAND.ordinal()] = 1;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError) {}
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_210338_b[PathType.WATER.ordinal()] = 2;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError2) {}
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_210338_b[PathType.AIR.ordinal()] = 3;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError3) {}
            DoorBlock$1.field_185789_a = new int[Direction.values().length];
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_185789_a[Direction.EAST.ordinal()] = 1;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError4) {}
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_185789_a[Direction.SOUTH.ordinal()] = 2;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError5) {}
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_185789_a[Direction.WEST.ordinal()] = 3;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError6) {}
            try {
                DoorBlock$1.field_185789_a[Direction.NORTH.ordinal()] = 4;
            catch (NoSuchFieldError noSuchFieldError7) {}


Edited by DJ1TJOO
Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, diesieben07 said:

o.O Clean that thing up, please... that is borderline unreadable.


As for your issue: Cannot reproduce this with a minimal example based on your Block.Properties snippet. Provide a Git repository showing the issue.


its the normaal minecraft door with Some changes I could not override

Edited by DJ1TJOO

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    • Please read the FAQ and post logs as described there.
    • Upon starting the server I get; [main/ERROR] [minecraft/Main]: Failed to start the minecraft server net.minecraftforge.fml.LoadingFailedException: Loading errors encountered: [     Framework (framework) has failed to load correctly §7java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/gui/components/toasts/Toast ] I suspect there is a (possibly a few) client-only mods installed on my server. Any help would be appreciated! (Yes I know there are a lot of mods...) Here is the crash log:   https://paste.ee/p/pRz5mhMl#s=0
    • That's basically what the failure does, my apologies for failing to specify.  It just tries again on the next tick until it detects the entities for that chunk are loaded, and then tries to load the entity.  From there it gets into different failure states depending on what goes wrong, but in short, if the entity fails to load once the entity list becomes available, the request is cleared and must be resubmitted by the end user.  There should be few cases where that actually happens. Yes, that is my understanding of forceloading.  That's why on a successful summon, it removes the forceload.  Otherwise it does just leave the chunks loaded long term. Thank you for your help, any knowledge is useful!  I don't often mess with forceloading and my prior experience is 1.16 so I'm also a bit out of my depth haha.
    • I will have to do more research about 1.18 chunk loading. You were unclear about how your code manages with the entity load failure. If you simply used a loop, I suggest submitting a tick task to the next tick which does the same thing, checking if the entities are loaded and if so teleporting the right one else submitting another tick task etc. Also I think forceloading permanently force loads the chunk, and it only starts to unload when you make a subsequent call to mark the chunk as not forceloaded. I may be completely wrong, I dont know much about 1.18, most of my experience is 1.20. Good luck I hope you figure it out after all this time 😅
    • i managed to fix it by reinstalling the modpack and re-add all the extra mods I've had previously.
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