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there is code for forge 28(1.14.4)

    boolean isNotColliding(ClientWorld worldIn, BlockPos pos) {
        val bb = boundingBox(pos);
        return !worldIn.containsAnyLiquid(bb)
            && worldIn.isCollisionBoxesEmpty(null, bb);
            && worldIn.checkNoEntityCollision(null, VoxelShapes.create(bb));


I was able to get the method `IWorldReader#isCollisionBoxesEmpty(Entity entityIn, AxisAlignedBB aabb)`, but I can't get it after updating to forge 31(1.15.2).

Do you have any ideas?





My usual strategy for solving this sort of problem is

1) For a method in a small class, I just open the new class and browse it looking for code which is similar to the 1.14.4 code

If the class is large or the method has moved out to another class

1) Use my IDE to search for all usages of the method in 1.14.4, and make note of a distinctive class/method which uses it

2) Go to the same class+method in 1.15.2 and see what the same code is calling now.


YOu might also find these links helpful



Cross-referencing, a quick how-to

  • Oh no! Method FooClass.BarMethod disappeared in 1.13/1.14! Where did it go? Follow these easy steps for a guaranteed 80% success rate!
  1. Open a 1.12 workspace (this is why you use a separate workspace to update, by the way)
  2. Browse to FooClass.BarMethod
  3. Use your IDE's find usages tool to see where it was called from in vanilla
  4. Pick a call site
  5. Go to that same call site in 1.13/1.14
  6. What does it call instead?
  7. ???
  8. Profit

(if these steps don't apply, then you're allowed to ask)








  • Thanks 1

Oh its true! That is nice strategy.


Follow that one, I replaced the method like this


    boolean isNotColliding(ClientWorld worldIn, BlockPos pos) {
        val bb = boundingBox(pos);
        return !worldIn.containsAnyLiquid(bb)
            && worldIn.func_226665_a__(null, bb)
            && worldIn.checkNoEntityCollision(null, VoxelShapes.create(bb));


Thank you!



I used old mappings (20200122) that have no map to func_26665_a__ and I found proper map (hasNoCollisions) to it after update to 20200316.


thanks again!

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