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Cannot generate proper names for items in Minecraft with Intellij

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Going off of this- post, I attempted to add the line of code at the end of my build.gradle file and it still didn't seem to work. Was wondering if anyone else had a solution to this problem. All of my textures are displaying properly it's just the name. Everything is showing up as tile.<itemname>.name or item.<itemname>.name intead of what I'm defining them to be in the lang file. I've heard it has worked for people in eclipse but I prefer intellij. Any help would be appreciated! This is what my build.gradle file looks like. I'm confident everything else is as it should be.


buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            name = "forge"
            url = "https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven"
    dependencies {
        classpath "net.minecraftforge.gradle:ForgeGradle:2.3-SNAPSHOT"

apply plugin: "net.minecraftforge.gradle.forge"

version = modVersion
group = modGroup
archivesBaseName = modBaseName

minecraft {
    version = project.forgeVersion
    runDir = "run"

    // the mappings can be changed at any time, and must be in the following format.
    // snapshot_YYYYMMDD   snapshot are built nightly.
    // stable_#            stables are built at the discretion of the MCP team.
    // Use non-default mappings at your own risk. they may not always work.
    // simply re-run your setup task after changing the mappings to update your workspace.
    mappings = project.mcpVersion
    // makeObfSourceJar = false // an Srg named sources jar is made by default. uncomment this to disable.

repositories {

dependencies {

processResources {
    // this will ensure that this task is redone when the versions change.
    inputs.property "version", project.version
    inputs.property "mcversion", project.minecraft.version

    // replace stuff in mcmod.info, nothing else
    from(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs) {
        include "mcmod.info"

        // replace version and mcversion
        expand "version": project.version, "mcversion": project.minecraft.version

    // copy everything else, thats not the mcmod.info
    from(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs) {
        exclude "mcmod.info"

sourceSets { main { output.resourcesDir = output.classesDir } }




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