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I basically copy pasted all the code necessary for a dimension based on the Nether, but I'm now trying to figure out how to make it have an open top/roof. I tried overriding isSurfaceWorld, but that doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?


You would need to override createChunkGenerator and return your own chunk generator that generates terrain in the way that you want.

It's not a simple process, but if you study how vanilla does it then you should get an idea of what to do.

I'm eager to learn and am prone to mistakes. Don't hesitate to tell me how I can improve.

43 minutes ago, imacatlolol said:

You would need to override createChunkGenerator and return your own chunk generator that generates terrain in the way that you want.

It's not a simple process, but if you study how vanilla does it then you should get an idea of what to do.

I've already made my own chunk generator and all that, but the vanilla code is super confusing and like 90% of the variables are obfuscated even with updated mappings. Also it's a crap ton of math functions that I don't think I could realistically comprehend.

16 minutes ago, ThanosGecko said:

I've already made my own chunk generator and all that, but the vanilla code is super confusing and like 90% of the variables are obfuscated even with updated mappings. Also it's a crap ton of math functions that I don't think I could realistically comprehend.

Well, here's a couple ideas to try:

  • To get rid of the roof bedrock you can override getBedrockRoofHeight to 0 in NetherGenSettings.
  • After that, try making your own CaveWorldCarver that works the same as NetherCaveWorldCarver, but with a higher maximum height so that it breaks through the top.

No idea if it'll work like you want, but it's worth trying. Experimentation is generally a good way to go.

I'm eager to learn and am prone to mistakes. Don't hesitate to tell me how I can improve.

12 hours ago, imacatlolol said:

Well, here's a couple ideas to try:

  • To get rid of the roof bedrock you can override getBedrockRoofHeight to 0 in NetherGenSettings.
  • After that, try making your own CaveWorldCarver that works the same as NetherCaveWorldCarver, but with a higher maximum height so that it breaks through the top.

No idea if it'll work like you want, but it's worth trying. Experimentation is generally a good way to go.

I've already done the bedrock thing, that works fine. The CaveWorldCarver is a biome specific thing, and I know it's not the thing that controls if there's a roof or not as I replaced my biome with an OceanBiome and it still had a roof. I'm fairly sure it's in either the chunk generator or the noise chunk generator, but both have like 4 methods that are incomprehensible.


It seems like it might be something in either this method:

public int func_222529_a(int p_222529_1_, int p_222529_2_, Heightmap.Type heightmapType) {
		int i = Math.floorDiv(p_222529_1_, this.horizontalNoiseGranularity);
		int j = Math.floorDiv(p_222529_2_, this.horizontalNoiseGranularity);
		int k = Math.floorMod(p_222529_1_, this.horizontalNoiseGranularity);
		int l = Math.floorMod(p_222529_2_, this.horizontalNoiseGranularity);
		double d0 = (double)k / (double)this.horizontalNoiseGranularity;
		double d1 = (double)l / (double)this.horizontalNoiseGranularity;
		double[][] adouble = new double[][]{this.func_222547_b(i, j), this.func_222547_b(i, j + 1), this.func_222547_b(i + 1, j), this.func_222547_b(i + 1, j + 1)};
		int i1 = this.getSeaLevel();

		for(int j1 = this.noiseSizeY - 1; j1 >= 0; --j1) {
			double d2 = adouble[0][j1];
			double d3 = adouble[1][j1];
			double d4 = adouble[2][j1];
			double d5 = adouble[3][j1];
			double d6 = adouble[0][j1 + 1];
			double d7 = adouble[1][j1 + 1];
			double d8 = adouble[2][j1 + 1];
			double d9 = adouble[3][j1 + 1];

			for(int k1 = this.verticalNoiseGranularity - 1; k1 >= 0; --k1) {
				double d10 = (double)k1 / (double)this.verticalNoiseGranularity;
				double d11 = MathHelper.lerp3(d10, d0, d1, d2, d6, d4, d8, d3, d7, d5, d9);
				int l1 = j1 * this.verticalNoiseGranularity + k1;
				if (d11 > 0.0D || l1 < i1) {
					BlockState blockstate;
					if (d11 > 0.0D) {
						blockstate = this.defaultBlock;
					} else {
						blockstate = this.defaultFluid;

					if (heightmapType.getHeightLimitPredicate().test(blockstate)) {
						return l1 + 1;

		return 0;



or this method:


public void generateSurface(IChunk chunkIn) {
		ChunkPos chunkpos = chunkIn.getPos();
		int i = chunkpos.x;
		int j = chunkpos.z;
		SharedSeedRandom sharedseedrandom = new SharedSeedRandom();
		sharedseedrandom.setBaseChunkSeed(i, j);
		ChunkPos chunkpos1 = chunkIn.getPos();
		int k = chunkpos1.getXStart();
		int l = chunkpos1.getZStart();
		double d0 = 0.0625D;
		Biome[] abiome = chunkIn.getBiomes();

		for(int i1 = 0; i1 < 16; ++i1) {
			for(int j1 = 0; j1 < 16; ++j1) {
				int k1 = k + i1;
				int l1 = l + j1;
				int i2 = chunkIn.getTopBlockY(Heightmap.Type.WORLD_SURFACE_WG, i1, j1) + 1;
				double d1 = this.surfaceDepthNoise.noiseAt((double)k1 * 0.0625D, (double)l1 * 0.0625D, 0.0625D, (double)i1 * 0.0625D);
				abiome[j1 * 16 + i1].buildSurface(sharedseedrandom, chunkIn, k1, l1, i2, d1, this.getSettings().getDefaultBlock(), this.getSettings().getDefaultFluid(), this.getSeaLevel(), this.world.getSeed());

		this.makeBedrock(chunkIn, sharedseedrandom);



But I'm not sure what to change


Alright I ended up commenting out random lines of code and one of them worked lmao. For anybody else that might need this in the future, I just commented out this line in the ChunkGenerator:

private double[] func_222572_j() {
		double[] adouble = new double[this.noiseSizeY()];

		for(int i = 0; i < this.noiseSizeY(); ++i) {
			adouble[i] = Math.cos((double)i * Math.PI * 6.0D / (double)this.noiseSizeY()) * 2.0D;
			double d0 = (double)i;
			if (i > this.noiseSizeY() / 2) {
				d0 = (double)(this.noiseSizeY() - 1 - i);

			if (d0 < 4.0D) {
				d0 = 4.0D - d0;
				//adouble[i] -= d0 * d0 * d0 * 10.0D;

		return adouble;


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