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I'd like to generate big structures that do not fit in one chunk in vanilla overworld. Knowing what lies further after border chunk is essential.


So is there a possibility to get height map, biome and sea level without generating chunk or atleast generating it partially? Maybe reading noise generator values.


Diving into javadocs for a few hours did not help me. https://yue.moe/ForgeJavaDocs/

Reading mc source code about village generation also was not fruitful.


World#getHeight and IWorldReader#getBiome can help you with that.


Here are also the six heightmap types and what they do:

MOTION_BLOCKING: The highest block that blocks motion or contains a fluid.

MOTION_BLOCKING_NO_LEAVES: The highest block that blocks motion or contains a fluid or is in the minecraft:leaves tag.

OCEAN_FLOOR: The highest non-air block, solid block.

OCEAN_FLOOR_WG: The highest block that is neither air nor contains a fluid, for worldgen.

WORLD_SURFACE: The highest non-air block.

WORLD_SURFACE_WG: The highest non-air block, for worldgen.

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Biome should be accessible without generating a chunk. world.getBiomeProvider() or anything.

 Sealevel is global based on the world.

 Heightmap I doubt is possible without hacking into mcs system. Which makes it not relyable because "Mods".

- Speiger, Chunk-Pregenerator mod dev.


Thank you, Ash.

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