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[1.15.2] Why is my Common config being read from the physical client over the physical server?


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I'm trying to setup a common config that is read from the physical server over the physical client, however the physical client is taking presedence over it.

Why is this happening and how can I fix it?



@EventBusSubscriber(modid = Dodge.MODID, bus = EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD)
public final class ConfigHandler {

	public static class Common {

		public final ForgeConfigSpec.DoubleValue dodgePower;
		public final ForgeConfigSpec.IntValue hungerRequirement;
		public final ForgeConfigSpec.BooleanValue allowDodgeWhileAirborne;

		public final ForgeConfigSpec.BooleanValue enableCooldown;
		public final ForgeConfigSpec.IntValue cooldownLength;

		public final ForgeConfigSpec.BooleanValue displayParticles;
		public final ForgeConfigSpec.BooleanValue fancyParticles;

		public Common(ForgeConfigSpec.Builder builder) {

			dodgePower = builder
					.comment("How powerful each player's dodge is. Defaults at 1 which is just under 3 blocks.")
					.defineInRange("balance.power", 1, 0, Double.MAX_VALUE);
			hungerRequirement = builder.comment(
					"How many half drumsticks the player needs to dodge. Set this to -1 to disable this feature. By default it's the same as sprinting, 6.")
					.defineInRange("balance.hungerRequirement", 6, -1, 20);
			allowDodgeWhileAirborne = builder.comment(
					"Set this to true to allow the player to dodge whilst in midair. Note the player always has this ability in creative mode.")
					.define("balance.allowDodgeWhileAirborne", false);

			enableCooldown = builder.comment("Set this to false to disable the cooldown bar completely.")
					.define("cooldown.enabled", true);
			cooldownLength = builder
					.comment("How long the dodge takes to cooldown in (roughly) seconds. This defaults to 4.")
					.defineInRange("cooldown.duration", 3, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

			displayParticles = builder
					.comment("Set this to false to disable the particles emitted when a player dodges")
					.define("particles.enableParticles", true);
			fancyParticles = builder.comment(
					"Set this to true to enable fancy particles, many prefer the old particles so that is now the default.")
					.define("particles.fancy", false);

	public static final Common COMMON;
	public static final ForgeConfigSpec COMMON_SPEC;
	static {
		final Pair<Common, ForgeConfigSpec> specPair = new ForgeConfigSpec.Builder().configure(Common::new);
		COMMON_SPEC = specPair.getRight();
		COMMON = specPair.getLeft();

	// Bakers
	public static void onModConfigEvent(final ModConfig.ModConfigEvent configEvent) {
		if (configEvent.getConfig().getSpec() == ConfigHandler.COMMON_SPEC) {

	// Common
	public static double dodgePower;
	public static int hungerRequirement, cooldownLength;
	public static boolean allowDodgeWhileAirborne, enableCooldown, displayParticles, fancyParticles;

	public static void bakeCommonConfig() {
		dodgePower = COMMON.dodgePower.get();
		hungerRequirement = COMMON.hungerRequirement.get();
		cooldownLength = COMMON.cooldownLength.get() * 20;
		allowDodgeWhileAirborne = COMMON.allowDodgeWhileAirborne.get();
		enableCooldown = COMMON.enableCooldown.get();
		displayParticles = COMMON.displayParticles.get();
		fancyParticles = COMMON.fancyParticles.get();


Where it is used:

public class DodgeEvents {
	public void onKeyPressed(InputEvent.KeyInputEvent event) {

		if (Dodge.DodgeClient.DODGE_KEY.isKeyDown() && DodgeGui.len <= 0 && spamPreventer >= 12) {
			if (player.isCreative() || player.isSpectator() || player.onGround
					|| ConfigHandler.allowDodgeWhileAirborne) {
          	//DO STUFF


How it is called in my main class:

public Dodge() {
		ModLoadingContext.get().registerConfig(ModConfig.Type.COMMON, ConfigHandler.COMMON_SPEC);
		DistExecutor.runWhenOn(Dist.CLIENT, () -> () -> {
			MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new DodgeEvents());


I think it has something to do with my DistExecutor, is there any workaround for this?

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3 minutes ago, ChampionAsh5357 said:

Note: InputEvent is client side only. So, your client config takes precedent. Use a packet to send over the server value and store it in a variable.

Oh I see, thank you! Would I send over my server values straight from my config or from the event itself?

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20 minutes ago, ChampionAsh5357 said:

From an event since they could be subject to change whenever the config is reloaded.

Ah, thank you, do you have any example source code of this? I've got a PacketHandler setup but I'm not sure how I'd send a message from the server, rather than from the client.

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3 hours ago, ChampionAsh5357 said:



Thanks for all your help, when I use that in my KeyInputEvent I get a crash. I don't want to bother you any more as it's unrelated to the OT so I've started a new topic asking for more information on how Networks work, thank you for explaining where I was going wrong!

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3 minutes ago, ChampionAsh5357 said:

Ok then. For quick reference though, KeyInputEvent is client side, so calling a packet to be sent to the client side from the server side on the client side doesn't actually make sense.

Oh I see thanks for explaining that one, what event should I call it in?

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Assuming that the values are loaded when you call bakeCommonConfig, call it directly afterwards. Make sure to check that you are on the logical server and not the client.


If you cannot check if its the logical server, use one of the FMLServerStarting events to do it instead.

Edited by ChampionAsh5357
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20 hours ago, ChampionAsh5357 said:

Assuming that the values are loaded when you call bakeCommonConfig, call it directly afterwards. Make sure to check that you are on the logical server and not the client.


If you cannot check if its the logical server, use one of the FMLServerStarting events to do it instead.

Thank you so much for all your help, I finally got it to work and I really appreciate the help given.

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