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I need to check for the command /op or 'op' from the console so that I can identify when the list of operators contained within the PlayerList for the dedicated server changes.
I do have a system that works right now, it involves checking the 'MinecraftServer' from a command event and from this event getting an opped player list. It works however on simply checking the string equivalent of the command. Although it works I figured there must be a better way of implementing this, e.g. with an instanceof check.

@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = Metropolis.MOD_ID, value = Dist.DEDICATED_SERVER, bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.FORGE)
public class CommandEvent {
    public static String[] OP_LIST = null;

    @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.LOW)
    public static void dedicatedServerCommand(final net.minecraftforge.event.CommandEvent event){
        if(FMLEnvironment.dist == Dist.DEDICATED_SERVER){
            ParseResults<CommandSource> parseResults = event.getParseResults();
            String cRaw = parseResults.getReader().getRead();
            String c = cRaw.replace("/", "");

            if(c.startsWith("op") || c.startsWith("deop") || c.startsWith("reload")){
                Metropolis.LOGGER.debug("Metropolis permissions updated");
                MinecraftServer ds = parseResults.getContext().getSource().getServer();
                OP_LIST = ds.getPlayerList().getOppedPlayerNames();


Posted (edited)

EDIT: I realized essentially I could just do player.hasPermissionLevel(4) on my tile entity block break to check an operator can still remove the tile which is tied to a specific players UUID meaning I didn't have to write any of this essentially. *Sighs*.
Either way i'll leave the code I would have used below just incase anyone else would benefit from it.
Thank you all the same though. I can use the following apporach (below) if i ever have to check for a different type of command.

Thank you. Thats a much better way of checking for the command. For reference the code i've used is...

ParseResults<CommandSource> parseResults = event.getParseResults();
CommandNode pcn = parseResults.getContext().getNodes().get(0).getNode();
if(pcn instanceof LiteralCommandNode){
LiteralCommandNode lcn = (LiteralCommandNode) pcn;
        Metropolis.LOGGER.debug("Op command fired.");


Instead of using names as well I can grab the UUID of the player it seems by searching the player list for anyone with a permission level of 4. Wondering if this might be a better approach.

 List<ServerPlayerEntity> spe = ds.getPlayerList().getPlayers();
 for(ServerPlayerEntity player: spe){
    	UUID uuid = player.getUniqueID();

Obviously this is just test code. I would add the UUID to a list instead to check.
I also load in the playerlist of operators at server startup but essentially i'm just making sure that if a player has permission level 4, IE is an operator that they have access to delete certain tile entities I am creating within my mod.

Edited by profjb58

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