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Hello, I've created some .nbt files using a structure block and I use

public class StructureGenHelper extends WorldGenerator implements IStructure {
	public String structureName;

	public StructureGenHelper(String name) {
		structureName = name;

	public boolean generate(World worldIn, Random rand, BlockPos position) {
		generateStructure(worldIn, position);
		return true;

	public boolean generateStructure(World world, BlockPos pos) {
		MinecraftServer mcServer = world.getMinecraftServer();
		TemplateManager manager = worldServer.getStructureTemplateManager();
		ResourceLocation location = new ResourceLocation(Main.MODID, structureName);
		Template template = manager.get(mcServer, location);

		if (template == null) {
			Messages.serverLog(Main.logger, "The structure " + structureName + " doesn't exist!", 3);

		if (template != null) {
			IBlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos);
 			world.notifyBlockUpdate(pos, state, state, 3);
            template.addBlocksToWorldChunk(world, pos, settings);
			return true;
		return false;

to generate a structure but I have a problem to rotate the structure based where the player is facing, can someone help me or point me to the right direction? Thanks

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