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Errors In Scripts for my custom machine that i can't fix (1.12.2)

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Hello everyone, I recently started with modding for mc 1.12.2, now i wanted to do like a custom Machine like a refinery.  To learn how to do that stuff I followed the Custom furnace tutorials by Harry Talks (link to the first Part of the Custom furnace tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMdDf0PCxIE&list=PLiDUvCGH5WEUEV9nc0Ll2pzUFmSFc21uR&index=18 ) Unfortunately he copy- pasted sometimes Parts of his code from his GitHub, but that is now deleted, so i had to copy it by hand. My problem is now, that there are Errors in the code that I just can't fix because for me it looks like it is exactly the same as in his tutorial, except for the name of the block. Can someone look in this code for me and help me with that errors because after i watched those videos the fith time, I am still not able to find all the differences. 

I would appreciate some help, thank you all.

BlockRefinery.java ContainerRefinery.java GUIRefinery.java RefineryRecipes.java TileEntityRefinery.java SlotRefineryFuel.java SlotRefineryOutput.java

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