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Because i couldn't find entry for loot tables in the 1.15.x documentation, so I tried to edit the drop from a sand block with the help from the 1.13.x documentation. But I ran in two problem.


After reading the article about editing vanilla loot tables my code looks like the following:

public void lootLoad(LootTableLoadEvent event) {
    if (event.getName().toString().equals("minecraft:blocks/sand")) {
	LootEntry entry = new LootEntryTable(new ResourceLocation("mymod:inject/sand"), 100, 100, 0, "sand_entry");

	LootPool pool = new LootPool(new LootEntry[] {entry}, 0, 1, 0, "sand_pool");




The following errors appear:


1. The documentation says, I need to create a new LootEntry with new LootEntryTable(), but there is not a Class LootEntryTable, which can be imported.

2. When trying to create the pool, the IDE says: 

                 private LootPool(@NotNull net.minecraft.world.storage.loot.LootEntry[] p_i51268_1_,
                 @NotNull net.minecraft.world.storage.loot.conditions.ILootCondition[] p_i51268_2_,
                 @NotNull net.minecraft.world.storage.loot.functions.ILootFunction[] p_i51268_3_,
                 net.minecraft.world.storage.loot.IRandomRange p_i51268_4_,
                 net.minecraft.world.storage.loot.RandomValueRange p_i51268_5_,
                 String name)

No plan what the IDE wants me to say. :(


Due to I haven't used Java in a while and switched from NetBeans to Intellij, I a noob in this area.


I appreciate every kind of help. :)

Edited by Koque

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