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So I'm having a big problem, chunks are failing to save. This has happened once before and I had to delete the certain chunks that were corrupted as well as the nether and the end and it became perfectly fine. This problem has popped up once again and reverts the chunk back to a set state. https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/76fd2ccd29164f3a95e9496eb428b4e8 | https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/eb0e2dcc530c4cb2a5727e0edb436438 Here is the latest.log and debug.log respectively that contains this problem [1.16 Forge Latest, tried older version too] https://pastebin.com/AFshiiWf Mod List (some not up to date but updated 4 days ago) Similar case to this on the forum. P.S. Have already tried region fixer. The world already has a month of work, most recent backup that doesn't have this problem is from 2 days ago but I'm afraid this error will happen once again and I don't want to have to back it up once again.  


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