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Same way that minecraft makes the end I guess, I'd have it to where you got some kind of portal (Look at mojang's nether/end portal) and use the end floating island terrain gen for the moon. That is my suggestion. :)


CJ, you are trying to be helpful, but new dimensions unfortunately aren't simple enough to just look up (at least not to me).

Delta, if you are serious about making this mod, you will want to look up wuppy's tutorial on dimensions.

All of wuppy's tutorials are listed here:


and if you scroll down into the text tutorials, there is a heading called "Dimension". Start with the first tutorial and follow it through all 7 tutorials to the end. The tutorial itself doesn't take too long since there is a lot of copy-paste.

Once you finish that, there are 2 more headings under dimension: dimension customization and other. Look at dimension customization because he shows you a couple neat tricks to use, then go to other and look at updating to 1.5.1. His dimension tutorial is old so if you can't figure out how to fix the outdated methods and names he uses, it's a good place to start.


This is the most up to date tutorial I've been able to find, and since it isn't a short process it will probably stay that way. Dimensions don't look too easy to me at the moment, so be aware that it takes patience and you can do it. :)

Read my thoughts on my summer mod work and tell me what you think!



I absolutely love her when she smiles


I did a dimension myself back in 1.4.6; I can help you if you like.

I actually could use some help. I'm not really sure about several things. I think I just solved my own problem regarding block id's greater than 255, but I am having trouble in other areas.


How should I go about preventing any mob spawns in my new dimension? I have tried using:

provider.setAllowedSpawnTypes(false, false);

in several places and that doesn't seem to change anything, but it is the only thing I can find to indicate whether a mob spawns. I am not using any custom biomes and would prefer to do my changes to the world instead of the biomes.


Also, Do you know of a way to set a light level that is constant through day and night, or even just a way to set the skyblock light level? I'm sure I can figure out how to texture my sky how I want etc, but I'm having trouble with the light level.


If you remember any of this from when you made your dimension, thanks would be given freely. :D

Read my thoughts on my summer mod work and tell me what you think!



I absolutely love her when she smiles


For stopping vanilla spawns in my dimension I just used


        this.spawnableMonsterList.add(new SpawnListEntry(EntityDemon.class, 5, 1, 1));


in my biome class that I'm using for the dimension

unless you're using vanilla biomes, in which case it's beyond me






Is a great tutorial for dimensions

It's the one I used to make my dimension

It's only for a single biome and it's a little confusing, but it's up to date


they're currently working on adding more than 1 biome as a tutorial as well


His update to 1.5.1 post helps a lot, or in the class where you have the error, open up the class that yours extends (ie, for your custom teleporter class, open up the vanilla Teleporter class) and compare the vanilla methods to yours and change yours to match the vanilla one where you have errors. Or just copy them over. They do the same thing.


Ooh, that looks helpful.

Yeah, I'm using all the vanilla biomes. My world generates *almost* identically to the normal world. Though in some places, sections of the world are mirrored. It's really strange.

Read my thoughts on my summer mod work and tell me what you think!



I absolutely love her when she smiles



, i made it work somehow but when i enetr portal and i get to my dimension (i can really see the world) it teleports me back after like 0.2 second AND it teleports me to hell (?). Any ideas?

EDIT: Anyway, is there a way to get to that dim without portal? like roght clicking with an item or block?


Go to your portal block class. Look at your onEntityCollidedWithBlock method. In there is a bunch of code that is used to teleport the player to your dimension. If you want to have the player be teleported via a different activity, move all the code from that method into a new method. In your instance, you probably want to override onBlockActivated and put the code in there.


Keep in mind, this still builds your portal the same way when you enter your dimension. If you want to change the way that is built, look at the custom teleporter class you made. And cry. Then if you still want to try to change it, start working on understanding what everything does. And cry. And give up and comment out everything already done and make some silly code that does what you want.

Read my thoughts on my summer mod work and tell me what you think!



I absolutely love her when she smiles


I did a dimension myself back in 1.4.6; I can help you if you like.

I actually could use some help. I'm not really sure about several things. I think I just solved my own problem regarding block id's greater than 255, but I am having trouble in other areas.


How should I go about preventing any mob spawns in my new dimension? I have tried using:

provider.setAllowedSpawnTypes(false, false);

in several places and that doesn't seem to change anything, but it is the only thing I can find to indicate whether a mob spawns. I am not using any custom biomes and would prefer to do my changes to the world instead of the biomes.


Also, Do you know of a way to set a light level that is constant through day and night, or even just a way to set the skyblock light level? I'm sure I can figure out how to texture my sky how I want etc, but I'm having trouble with the light level.


If you remember any of this from when you made your dimension, thanks would be given freely. :D

Well, I was thinking about basic dimension structure when I said that, seeing as I never added much to the dimension... and I was not really prepared for those questions. Regardless, I'll try to help you.

*looks at source* And apparently, for whatever weird reason, I also self-obfuscated... Okay. Well, this might take some work, but I'll do what I can to answer your questions.


First, spawn types. Do you want to prevent natural mob spawns, or all of them? All mobs, or just monsters? If it's the first choice for both, as I suspect, I would redefine getPossibleCreatures(EnumCreatureType, int, int, int) in your chunk provider to return an empty list. As for your other questions, I'll answer, but I need to do a bit of research first.



Co-author of Pentachoron Labs' SBFP Tech.


*looks at source* And apparently, for whatever weird reason, I also self-obfuscated...

Hahaha I like you.

Thank you tons for looking into your code for me. I like this community. :)

At the moment I am thinking of just preventing natural spawns of all mobs. I'll check your solution and get back to you. -edit- It works- and I should have noticed that method way earlier. Haha.


Now, I said I figured it out on my own, and I may yet do so, but did you use your chunk provider to fill the world using a custom block? Because I thought I found the solution: making a chunk using a short array instead of a byte array, but there is obviously fancy math that I need to fix for that to work because the wrong block spawned and layers of the world spawned in sideways, very far-lands-esque.

Read my thoughts on my summer mod work and tell me what you think!



I absolutely love her when she smiles


*looks at source* And apparently, for whatever weird reason, I also self-obfuscated...

Hahaha I like you.

Thank you tons for looking into your code for me. I like this community. :)

At the moment I am thinking of just preventing natural spawns of all mobs. I'll check your solution and get back to you. -edit- It works- and I should have noticed that method way earlier. Haha.


Now, I said I figured it out on my own, and I may yet do so, but did you use your chunk provider to fill the world using a custom block? Because I thought I found the solution: making a chunk using a short array instead of a byte array, but there is obviously fancy math that I need to fix for that to work because the wrong block spawned and layers of the world spawned in sideways, very far-lands-esque.

I used a ChunkProvider... but it sounds like you used a custom Chunk, which I didn't do. All you should need, though, is chunk.setBlockID(x,y,z,id) where x and z are both between 0 and 15 (they are not adjusted to chunk offset.) What you got sounds sort of like you had the args in the wrong order.



Co-author of Pentachoron Labs' SBFP Tech.


I am using a chunk provider. Vanilla chunks have a constructor that allows them to be built using a short array instead of a byte array, which allows you to use block ids over 255 when creating the chunk. I must have just not changed enough when I tried it on mine.

Read my thoughts on my summer mod work and tell me what you think!



I absolutely love her when she smiles


I am using a chunk provider. Vanilla chunks have a constructor that allows them to be built using a short array instead of a byte array, which allows you to use block ids over 255 when creating the chunk. I must have just not changed enough when I tried it on mine.

Fair enough. To be honest, I was never concerned with that; I just needed a custom dimension for a small structure (I suppose I would have been more concerned later, when I expanded on that mod, but there you are.) Does the generation work now, then?



Co-author of Pentachoron Labs' SBFP Tech.


Mostly? I just changed my filler block id to 255, so the dimension is created properly with that, and most of the biomes generate correctly. However, any biome that includes water, like the ocean biome or a river etc, seem to have a strange issue. If you took every 4th block and squished them all together, then the next set, then the next, etc in one chunk, that is how it would look, except mirrored. So what would be a hill (left to right) has (still left to right) a high, high-middle, low-middle, low block, then repeated. I could post a picture but I should realistically be able to figure it out myself. Or I might not and leave it because it makes cool patterns.

Read my thoughts on my summer mod work and tell me what you think!



I absolutely love her when she smiles


Mostly? I just changed my filler block id to 255, so the dimension is created properly with that, and most of the biomes generate correctly. However, any biome that includes water, like the ocean biome or a river etc, seem to have a strange issue. If you took every 4th block and squished them all together, then the next set, then the next, etc in one chunk, that is how it would look, except mirrored. So what would be a hill (left to right) has (still left to right) a high, high-middle, low-middle, low block, then repeated. I could post a picture but I should realistically be able to figure it out myself. Or I might not and leave it because it makes cool patterns.

I'd... ask for a screenshot anyway. I'd like to see that, even if you can easily fix it.



Co-author of Pentachoron Labs' SBFP Tech.


Fair enough...

The error in a river.




Another place without the text.




A river basin. The right side is good but the left side clearly isn't.




An ocean floor. Interestingly, the top portion that is clearly not broken ends at level 64. This would explain why it only happens around water: nowhere else is under level 64.




And of course an ocean generated ravine that got slightly mangled.




Looking again, it seems that 4 block sections are just being mirrored, giving striations to the generation.

Read my thoughts on my summer mod work and tell me what you think!



I absolutely love her when she smiles


Fair enough...

The error in a river.




Another place without the text.




A river basin. The right side is good but the left side clearly isn't.




An ocean floor. Interestingly, the top portion that is clearly not broken ends at level 64. This would explain why it only happens around water: nowhere else is under level 64.




And of course an ocean generated ravine that got slightly mangled.




Looking again, it seems that 4 block sections are just being mirrored, giving striations to the generation.


Odd. To say the least. Perhaps I should take a look at your generation code myself. You wouldn't happen to have a Github?

Anyway. I did some looking into your other question, and have you tried setting myWorldProvider.hasNoSky to true?



Co-author of Pentachoron Labs' SBFP Tech.


If you mean me, i did but it only eliminates sunlight but sky is still visible. Yeah and im asking to CHANGE that texture not just make it invisible

Oh, sorry, I was talking to redria7. We should probably move our discussion to a seperate thread :)


Anyway, your problem... it doesn't look like it's possible to change the moon texture without changing it universally. Alternatively, you could draw a custom moon.



Co-author of Pentachoron Labs' SBFP Tech.

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